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Morya Federation Student Papers

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Student Papers by Course Subjects

Quest Universal

Students in the five-level Quest Universal program are required to complete a paper for each course, and may choose their own topics in consultation with faculty and a mentor. Each paper is reviewed and approved before acceptance.

[The numbers in brackets are our internal course numbers.]

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Fundamentals (Cosmology, Constitution of Man, Rules of the Road) [course 110]

History [course 120]

Science & Kingdoms of Nature [130, 230, 330, and elective, Astronomy 235]

Spiritual Path [Probation 140, Discipleship 240, Initiation 340, Group Initiation 440, 540]

Psychology (The Language of Energy: Seven Rays Astrology) [150, 250, 350]

Service, Seed Groups, Solutions for Humanity [170, 270, 370, 470, 570]

Glamour [210], Illusion [310]

Manas (the Mind, or Fifth Principle) [220]

Deva Kingdom (Angelic realm) [260, 360, 460, 560]

Solar Angel, Soul, Egoic Lotus [320]

White Magic [360, 460, 560]

Macrocosm [410]

Buddhic Plane, Union and Sex [420]

Psychism [430]

Esoteric Healing [450, 550]

Spiritual Hierarchy and Shamballa [510]

Occult Law [520]

Creative Hierarchies [530]

Synthetic Projects [all levels]
(Morya Federation provides an option for students to create other types of projects rather than research papers, or to combine subjects and offer comprehensive papers which address concepts raised in several courses.)

Synthetic papers may be included in the course topics (listed above) that best represent the subject matter.

The Great Quest Program

An esoteric analysis of astrological and rayological influences is the required paper for all students in the two-year Great Quest program.

Biographies of Famous People

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Simply click on the paper title linked at the end of each paper’s description.

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The Chakras or Force Centers

An illustrated and comprehensive look at Chakras — their awakening, energy transference, kundalini, their relationship with disease, etc.  This synthetic paper is indeed a most valuable resource for an in-depth study of the etheric vehicle.

The Chakras or Force Centers

The Connective Tissue of the Universe

The etheric vehicle is the life energy that surrounds and penetrates all forms. It is related to the Life principle and is the field wherein Spirit and Matter meet. Essentially, it is the connective tissue of the universe and the basis for the unity of all that exists. This paper describes our etheric vehicle as the connector between the physical and spiritual realms, being an integral part of the etheric body of the Logos.

The Connective Tissue of the Universe

The Law of Periodicity

The Law of Periodicity is one of the basic laws governing existence. It governs all manifestation, whether it is the manifestation of a solar Logos through the medium of a solar system, or the manifestation of a human being through the medium of a form. This law controls likewise in all the kingdoms of nature.

The Law of Periodicity – from Manvantara to the moods

Law of Correspondences

Genesis 1:27 reads, “God created man in His own image…”. An exploration of this statement utilizes the Law of Analogy or Correspondences as we come to better know the relationships and symmetry of the universe. This paper is based on Master DK’s presentation of this law in Treatise on White Magic: “Through the Law of Analogy, or correspondences, the cosmic processes, and the nature of the cosmic principles are indicated in the functions, structure, and characteristics of a human being.”

Law of Correspondences

From Whence We Came

Why does God continually send forth parts of Himself into manifestation? Wouldn’t it be better if the Divine Sparks just stayed safe at their Father’s house in a transcendent state of Beingness? Obviously there must be a purpose and a great divine plan beyond the universe. This paper explores the ONE LIFE that periodically and regularly seeks to express ITSELF in myriads of forms, as the One reveals Himself in multiplicity.

From Whence We Came

Correspondences and Analogy in the Constitution of Man

We know from study of the Ageless Wisdom, that the mental, emotional/astral and etheric-physical levels with which we tend to identify as “self” are not what we truly are; they are vehicles for the expression of soul and ultimately of Spirit as we progress on the Path of Return, the evolutionary path from immersion in matter back to the experiential knowledge of Oneness.

Correspondence and Analogy in the Constitution of Man

Body to ‘Body’ — the Science of body and Spirit communication

Spirit Kinesiology or Transformational Kinesiology, enables an individual to access Spirit via the form or outer expression of Spirit. The author calls this outer form the body and the Inner Source from which all things flow (which includes the Soul and the Spirit), the ‘Body’. This approach recognizes that the Body knows everything about the body, and that muscle testing, when used by a practitioner who has connected with Soul, is the link between the body and the Body, and could lead to the scientific breakthrough that connects the dense physical to the Spirit.

Body to ‘Body’

The Law of Economy – A Misunderstood Principle

This paper presents the Law of Economy as it affects all grades of matter and influences daily living. The interactions of this Law with the two other universal Laws (the Law of Attraction and the Law of Synthesis) are described, within the context of human evolution.

The Law of Economy – a Misunderstood Principle

Christ of the Heavens, the Human, and the Heart

This comprehensive paper presents the many meanings that we associate with the Christ — a principle, a state of consciousness, a cosmic, historical and personal identity, the embodiment of the Principle of Love, etc. The various divine attributes of the Christ are presented in a most invocative and inspiring fashion.

Christ of the Heavens, the Human and the Heart

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The History of Humanity – Root Races Development

The law of cyclic evolution – involving chains, globes, rounds, and root races applies to all the planets of our solar system. The Earth, along with the other planets, incarnates over many vast cycles called ‘rounds’ or manvantaras. The universal evolution is septenary so the evolution of humanity, sevenfold in its constitution, is carried on upon a septenary Earth.

The History of Humanity – Root Races Development

Esoteric Healing Through the Lemurian, Atlantean and Aryan States of Consciousness

Esoteric healing in its approaches recognizes the need to differentiate between the states of consciousness of the one to be healed. Unlike modern medicine that is focused almost exclusively upon the healing of the dense physical body, the esoteric approach addresses primarily the causes of the disease.  This paper explores primarily the third Law of Healing and how it relates to the states of consciousness that have been called the Lemurian, Atlantean and Aryan.

Esoteric Healing through the Lemurian, Atlantean and Aryan States of Consciousness

Gods in the Making

The Lords of the Flame sacrificed themselves to bring the flame of ‘mind’ to animal men some twenty one million years ago. This event stands as the most important event in the whole history of the evolution of humanity, and was a deliberate intention on behalf of the spiritual hierarchy to ‘hasten the development’ of the human race. This paper focuses on the third root race, the Lemurian, and on the process of Individualisation.

Gods in the Making

Evolutionary Periods

Evolution is full of repeating periods or cycles. A period may be as small and short as an individual breath or heart beat, or as vast as the life of an entire Solar System or even the manifest Universe itself.  This paper explores evolutionary periods that take place in groups or cycles of seven, such as 7 root races, 7 rounds, 7 seven chains, 7 schemes, etc., and includes a most comprehensive chart of Evolutionary Periods.

Evolutionary Periods

Evolution of Consciousness Through the Root Races

This essay outlines the changes in consciousness and associated manifestation through the unfoldment of the root races over time as Spirit expresses progressively more purely through matter, and describes the spiral-cyclic progression through full expression of the rays in this round of root races. Also noted is that Humanity is now on evolutionary upward arc, the Path of Return.

Evolution of Consciousness Through the Root Races_

Occult History of Early Human Races and the Lands they Inhabited

Where do we come from? Where we are going? This paper provides answers to these great questions by exploring myths and legends, ancient writings by philosophers such as Plato, and the extensive teachings on our occult history to be found in Helena Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine. Further, examples of scientific historical research are provided. We are invited to conduct our own research and to decide for ourselves whether to believe this or not.

The Occult History of Early Human Races and the Lands They Inhabited

Planes: The Many Mansions in my Father’s House

  • Of all the subjects we study in the Ancient Wisdom, probably the most fundamental are the planes. Life in our Solar System evolves within seven planetary planes. Each of these planes is divided into seven subplanes, for 49 subplanes total. All seven planetary planes together actually form the lowest Cosmic Plane, the Cosmic Physical (also called Cosmic Prakritic). There are seven Cosmic Planes, with names corresponding to the planetary planes, and which are also each divided into seven subplanes. That means planetary planes are also subplanes of the Cosmic Physical.ry of Early Human Races and the Lands they Inhabited.

        Planes: The Many Mansions in my Fathers House

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Science & Kingdoms of Nature and Astronomy


Science and the Influence of the Rays

This outstanding paper shows how the seven rays have affected the development of science and how they are affecting the field of science today. This paper offers an in-depth exploration of how these seven great qualifying streams have played a significant role in the awakening and development of our mind, and how their cycles have effected scientific discoveries over the last 500 years.

Science and the Influence of the Rays

What a Wonderful World

Cosmology is a study of the Universe in its totality and humanity’s place in it.  It involves science, religion, philosophy and esotericism. It searches answers for the questions about the origin of the Universe and its first cause, its material components and last but not least – the ultimate reason for the existence of the universe. This paper links the cosmology of the Ageless Wisdom and current scientific thought about our universe. Occult laws such as the law of Attraction and Repulsion, the law of Periodicity and the law of Karma are described, and their cosmic effects are explored.

What a Wonderful World


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Spiritual Path  (Probation, Discipleship, Initiation, Group Initiation)

Initiations I and II

The first two initiations are considered, and the reasons why they are called Initiations of the Threshold are well explained.  As well, characteristics of individuals who achieve them are described.

Initiations I and II — Initiations of the Threshold

The Veil of Aspiration

Aspiration is a part of our spiritual evolution.  It is this urge to understand the sacred, the invisible, the occult.

The Veil of Aspiration

The Group Antahkarana

This paper explores the antahkarana in group context and will be useful to aspiring disciples who seek to develop their group, or to develop themselves within a group.

The Group Antahkarana

The Seeker’s Way on the Probationary Path

The main stages of the probationary path are described, with emphasis on the destruction of hindrances, purification, transformation and transmutation.

The Seekers Way on the Probationary Path

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Psychology (The Language of Energy: Seven Rays Astrology)


Science and the Influence of the Rays

This outstanding paper shows how the seven rays have affected the development of science and how they are affecting the field of science today. This paper offers an in-depth exploration of how these seven great qualifying streams have played a significant role in the awakening and development of our mind, and how their cycles have effected scientific discoveries over the last 500 years.

Science and the Influence of the Rays

The Added Value of Esoteric Psychology

This paper explores the differences between esoteric psychology and traditional psychologies.  Esoteric Psychology is presented as a holistic understanding of the human psyche, where the emphasis is placed upon the Soul and upon the subjective energies and forces behind the objective world of forms.

The Added Value of Esoteric Psychology

Soul-Conscious Astrology and the Seven Rays

This paper integrates astrology and the seven rays. The study of esoteric astrology and the seven rays is indeed an excellent way to obey the old maxim from Socrates, “Man Know Thyself”.

Soul-Conscious Astrology and the 7 Rays 

The Chakras, the Etheric Body and the Evolution of Consciousness

Everything in the manifested universe possesses an energy form, subtle and intangible yet substantial, which controls, governs and conditions the outer physical body. This is commonly known as the Etheric Body, or Etheric Double. The chakras, or energy centres in the human being, deal fundamentally with the FIRE aspect in man. They are connected with the will to live, and with the inherent powers of Spirit. This paper deals with the etheric web, the three etheric spinal channels, the nadis, and kundalini fire. The etheric centres are described in detail, with information given as to their relationship with rays, the spiritual path and initiations, and the endocrine glands.

The Chakras the Etheric Body and the Evolution of Consciousness

Triangles and Other Triplicities in Esoteric Psychology

There are great astrological forces that reach us from constellations, from the zodiac, and from the sacred and non-sacred planets. This paper provides an overview of these forces at cosmic, planetary and individual levels, and highlights their primary relationship as triangular formations (triplicities). Based on Master DK’s teachings on the science of triangles, this paper identifies many correspondences between esoteric astrology and other ageless wisdom subjects, such as: the seven rays, the spiritual path and initiation, shamballa/hierarchy/humanity, monad/soul/personality, chakras, etc.

Triangles and Other Triplicities in Esoteric Psychology

The Birth of Christ

Initiation is an inner, private event which occurs when the candidate is ready because he has achieved certain levels of spiritual advancement. It is accompanied by an expansion of consciousness, a deeper understanding of one’s Soul purpose, and grasp of a connection to the Greater Whole. Humanity has 5 initiations to pass, and the first initiation is often referred to as “the birth of the Christ” within the heart. The birth of Christ is not just an historical event that happened some 2000 years ago, but is an inner mystical event that takes place within the individual. It marks the birth of the Soul as it comes into manifestation within us. This paper includes a discussion of the astrological influences surrounding the first initiation, namely the sign Virgo and its rulers, three constellations associated with Virgo, plus the chakras and rays involved.

Birth of Christ

Tracing the Qualities of the Zodiacal Signs Through the Twelve Labours of Hercules

This paper traces the journey of Hercules through the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Every astrological sign expresses definite forces and particular qualities. The Labours of Hercules describe our spiritual development as we come under the influence of each of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Each sign contains a labour, which is a task that the disciple must fulfill in order to progress upon the spiritual path. Each of the twelve labours is well described in this paper, and we are offered important insights as to the challenges that we face in our own “Labours of Hercules”.

Tracing the qualities of the zodiacal signs through the Twelve Labours of Hercules

The Seven Creative Builders

This paper presents the Seven Rays as the Seven Creative Builders. These seven streams or rays of energy are driven into activity in order to manifest Divine purpose. Each ray embodies a divine quality, which they build into the forms that they bring into existence. The nature and characteristics of each ray is described, which gives us an understanding of their function as creative builders.

The Seven Creative Builders

Soul Directed Integration of the Personality via the ACLRI Process: Alignment, Crisis, Light, Revelation and Integration

This paper deals with the integration of Soul and Personality through the ACLRI process. It covers such topics as: the characteristics of the personality; Soul-imposed techniques of Integration; methods for bridging gaps in consciousness; how crisis evokes integrating power from the Soul; revelation of divine purpose, and; an in-depth description of the techniques of integration according to the seven rays.

Soul-Directed Integration of the Personality via the ACLRI Process

The Evolution of the Five Senses within Expanding Consciousness

The Ageless Wisdom describes the five senses as an externalization of the millions of nadis, which are the threads of energy within our etheric body. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the nature and function of each sense, from its gross expression to one that is most refined. Each of the five senses (hearing, touch, sight, taste, smell) is related to an element (earth, water, fire, air and Akasha) correspondingly, and to a particular plane (physical, astral, mental, buddhic and atmic). Further, we are given five distinctions for each sense, according to the vibrational level upon which it is operating.

The Evolution of the Five Senses Within the Expanding Consciousness

Abiding by the Law of Repulse 

The Ageless Wisdom reveals the existence of 18 universal laws, one of which is the Law of Repulse. This law allows us to repulse the forces that keep us identified with the lower material world, and thus releases us to a realization of the divine formless realm. This powerful law is related to Atma and the spiritual will, and its influence reaches us through the sacrifice petals of the Egoic Lotus. We engage the law of Repulse through spiritual development methods that shift our focus from the personality towards the soul, i.e. decentralization, discrimination, dispassion and discipline.

Abiding by the Law of Repulse — A Natural Flow

An Overview of the Return of the Monad to its Home Through the Process of Alignment

Alignment is defined as the bringing together of multiple forces of the personality by the dominant soul. Through this process of alignment, we turn our back to the world of the personality and start on the process of identification with the world of Soul. This is the first step towards our return to the monad, which is our true being, our one source. From the perspective of the rays, in the beginning the ray of the personality controls the life, then the soul ray begins to dominate the personality ray and eventually, the monadic ray takes control. On this final stage the monadic ray absorbs into itself the rays of the personality and of the soul and so duality is finally and definitely overcome and “only the One Who Is remains.”

An Overview the Return of the Monad to its home through the Process of Alignment 

Group Initiation and the Manifestation of Disease

Could the appearance of new, undefinable neurological diseases be a result of the imbalance in mankind’s chakra system, caused by a lunge forward of mankind towards a Group Initiation? This paper explains the chakras and their role in the expansion of consciousness, not only for individuals, but for mankind as a group. It offers a correlation between the arrival of the Age of Aquarius, the shift in world consciousness, the growing trend towards humanitarianisn, and diseases of the nervous system.

Group Initiation and the Manifestation of Disease 

Esoteric Psychology as the Highest Science

Classic astrology is occupied with the reading and understanding of the chart of a man. It tells him how he is and how his surroundings are. Esoteric astrology includes the classic astrology and it also tells the man how to reach and express his soul with the focus on the consciousness but it is so much more than this. Esoteric astrology links the man with cosmos and relates him with these great being who express them self through planets, suns, the zodiacal constellations and even greater constellations.

Esoteric Psychology as the Highest Science

An Application of Esoteric Psychology

This paper illustrates how esoteric psychology can help an individual to better understand herself and be instructed with proper techniques that could support her spiritual journey on the Path. This study was done with one volunteer subject. Two fields of study of esoteric psychology were investigated, namely the science of esoteric astrology and the science of the rays.

An Application of Esoteric Psychology

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Service, Seed Groups, Solutions for Humanity

Tasks of the New Group of World Servers

Humanity is entering the energy of group endeavor in the Aquarian Age.  The great experiment of seed groups, known as the New Group of World Servers, was begun by the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet in an attempt to raise the consciousness of humanity.

27 Tasks of the 9 Bridging Groups of the New Group of World Servers

Tasks of the Nine Seed Groups

In 1931 the Spiritual Hierarchy embarked on a great experiment in training new groups, to provide channels in the world for the distribution of certain types of force. Each group has its particular task, and under the Law of Group Progress, they produce cohesive units that cooperate to manifest the Plan on Earth.

The Tasks of the Nine Seed Groups

Tasks of the Nine Seed Groups

In the new age, real group work will operate under the laws of the soul, and they are to be testing grounds for the spiritual integrity of the aspirants and disciples who pledge themselves to the upliftment of planetary consciousness. This purpose is achieved through the three tasks assigned to each seed group.

Tasks of the Nine Seed Groups

Esoteric Environmentalism

Planetary ecology is an issue that has increasingly made its presence felt over the past century, and particularly, there has been much debate on humanity’s relationship with our planet. Esotericism allows us to more deeply consider environmentalism and related specific issues such as overpopulation, global warming, and species extinction. Greed and separateness are identified as the primary causes of environmental problems, and charity and Oneness as primary solutions. Esoteric environmentalism is expressed as environmental service, which includes activities that are related to the Seed Groups of Service.

Esoteric Environmentalism

Problems in Education

Cases of violence and of suicide attempts among the pupils are signs of deep crisis in the world educational system. Our school is a part of our society and enmeshed in glamour of materiality which occurs as an over-emphasizing of the material part of life. In man it emerges as selfishness and as competitiveness. What our children really need from teachers (and parents too) is the help on grasping of these facts, on understanding what lies behind the outer facts, on how to synthesize separated facts, and see the whole behind the details.

Problems in Education

Energy Generation and Cold Fusion

Energy production is a very critical point for the development of humanity and the whole planet. Alternate energy sources are explored, such as cold fusion devices that can produce cheap and abundant energy with no radiation outside the reactor. Such energy sources, should they become available, have the potential to enable humanity to live in peace, love and harmony, and guarantee security, abundance and progress to anyone. We can avail ourselves of this opportunity if we work as equals and meet our shared responsibilities, and most importantly, if we align the needs of humanity with the needs of the planet.

Energy Generation and Cold Fusion 

Money Through the Kingdoms

The Ageless Wisdom teaches us that money is simply energy, that money is crystallized prana that is directed and appropriated. This paper studies money from various perspectives, including the substance of money as it progresses from being constituted of substance from the mineral and vegetable kingdoms, and partakes of the occult characteristics of each kingdom.   As we progress on the Path, our desire nature is transmuted into aspiration, and we come under the control of the soul, which causes money to be used for the welfare of humanity and the lower kingdoms, in service of the divine Plan.

Money through the Kingdoms – Mis-Appropriated Energy, not Cause  

The Future We Want – A Theosophical Retrospection

This paper is focused on the following quote from Problems of Humanity by Alice A. Bailey: “The key to humanity’s trouble (focusing as it has on the economic difficulties of the past two hundred years and in the theological impasse of the orthodox churches) has been to take and not give, to accept and not share, to grasp and not to distribute.” Using the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro as background, themes such as sustainability, new world government and education are explored, and are related to the teachings of Master DK.

The Future We Want – A Theosophical Retrospective

From Separation to Unity by Group Initiation

The initiation process was instituted by the Hierarchy to hasten Man’s spiritual evolution into becoming an effective worker within the Divine Plan. Each initiation marks a milestone in transforming one’s consciousness. The rules for initiation, for individuals and for groups, given to us by the Master Djwhal Khul, lay out the methods used over the ages by those who have achieved this goal. This paper describes synthesis, fusion and unity, and the 7 rules that allow us to travel the path from individual consciousness to group consciousness.

From Separation to Unity by Group Initiation

The Trick of Finding Glamour

Many insightful observations and realizations are presented in this paper, with a special focus on the Astral plane Glamour portion of the world problem, due to the fact that it has the greatest influence on the mass of humanity at this time.

The Trick of Finding Glamour

Ancient Education

This paper offers an exploration of education within the broad context of planetary and human evolution. Occult and scientific theories are presented through the many evolutionary eras, thus providing a comprehensive view of the evolution of education through the ages.

Ancient Education

A New World Religion – The Science of Invocation and Evocation

The author explores how the science of invocation and evocation will bring about a new world religion. This science will facilitate the reappearance of the Christ, Who will inaugurate the New World Religion.

A New World Religion the Science of invocation and Evocation

The Principle of Sharing

The purpose of this paper is to explore the principle of sharing versus entitlement and how our understanding of these principles is impacting Western consciousness and Spiritual Development.

The Principle of Sharing

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Glamour, Illusion

Illusion, Revelatory Light and the Intuition

The relationship between illusion and various grades of Light is fully explored. We struggle through illusion until we overcome the “dark” light of the personality and receive the revealing light of the Soul.

Illusion, Revelatory Light and the Intuition

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Manas (the Mind, or Fifth Principle)


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Deva Kingdom (Angelic realm)

Fallen Angels

What are the fallen angels? Of all the different types of devas and angels, the concept of fallen angels conceals some of the deepest mysteries and has the potential to be the most misunderstood. Walter describes six types of fallen angels in this most interesting paper.

Fallen Angels

Devic Evolution

This is a very detailed and well researched paper on the evolution within the deva kingdom.  Lam offers fine distinctions and contrasts the teachings of Master DK on this subject with writings by Helena Blavatsky and well-known Theosophical authors.

On the Devic Evolution and its Relation to Us

A Complementary Study of “The Work of the Angels in Man’s Astral Body”

This paper is about the deva kingdom — the kingdom of Angels – and its relationship with our astral body. It explores the strong conviction of Rudolph Steiner that we much reach the point of actually perceiving in very concrete ways what the Angels are doing to prepare the future of humanity. Such investigations enable us to consider the divinely-willed evolutionary process, the interventions of the Deva kingdom in our spiritual development, and the opportunities we have for working with the many guides, both human and deva, who accompany us on our journey to greater consciousness.

A Complementary Study of the Work of the Angels in Man’s Astral Body

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Solar Angel, Soul, Egoic Lotus

The Solar Angel and the Egoic Lotus

What is the difference between the Solar Angel and the Egoic Lotus?  What is their origin, purpose and function? In this wonderfully detailed paper Lam is offering us very lucid and comprehensive answers.

The Solar Angel and the Egoic Lotus 

The Soul, A Temporary Intermediary

One of Soul’s main functions is to act as the intermediary between the Personality  and the Spiritual Triad.  This paper offers a comprehensive view of Soul’s origin, purpose, structure, laws, etc.

The Soul — A Temporary Intermediary  

Lifecycle of the Soul

The soul is perhaps the most important concept on the Path for the seeker to understand and work with. Many esoteric meditations have us align with the soul, and the work of Discipleship involves soul integration and fusion. The soul is effectively immortal, in that it spans all human lifetimes. However the soul also changes over time, in that it has a beginning, grows over time, and eventually reaches a transcendent state. Considering this lifecycle of the soul can help us understand what the soul is and how to most effectively develop it.

Lifecycle of the Soul  

The Significance of the Solar Angel in the Human Evolution

The solar Angel is a great Being who has descended into the world of man, and who assists us throughout our long process of evolution. This paper describes the origin, nature and function of the Solar Angel at three main turning points in our evolution: our transmutation from animal-man, our transformation into a divine human being, and our eventual union with our “father in heaven”, the Monad.

The Significance of the Solar Angel for the Human Evolution

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White Magic

How White Magic Works

White Magic consists of grasping a divine idea and forming a vision of it in our mind. Once the process of constructing a clear and potent thought form is complete, magnetic astral force is then added to it, until it is finally precipitated into physical manifestation. The mind is the creative tool used in white magic, so it must be free of illusion so the impressions from the Ego/Soul are received without distortion. Similarly, our physical and astral bodies must be calm and balanced so they do not distract from the work being done. The white magician’s bodies are integrated as a personality and function as a balanced unit, each body ready to provide whatever is needed in the work, while leaving the Soul in full control. Therefore it is the Soul who is the true White Magician, whose work it is to create, through us, what is needed in order to bring the Divine into physical existence.

How White Magic Works  

The City Foursquare

The White Magic process is a journey of manifestation from spiritual to material planes. This paper is focused on the last four rules of White Magic, the rules that govern manifestation upon the etheric and physical planes. Humanity is sometimes called the “city foursquare”, the square representing the “city of man”. A related symbol of humanity is the cube, a three dimensional solid whose surface is multiple squares.These four rules are especially connected with the human kingdom, and understanding them promotes understanding of humanity as a whole. The Four Rules for the etheric-physical plane are probably the hardest of the Rules, as most people cannot sustain and project a thoughtform that can have enough strength to manifest physically. Fulfilling the requirements of these Rules pertaining to the physical plane allows the white magician to manifest Soul intent through humanity, the city foursquare.

The City Foursquare

The Science of Breathing and White Magic

This paper presents the science of breathing according to the Ageless Wisdom, and its significance in the practice of white magic. The author is an experienced breath therapist and introduces us to a technique of connected breathing called Breathflow. The main perspective of this paper is that it is the Soul who is the true White Magician and the one who actually breathes, and manifests its divine purpose into the world.

The Science of Breathing and White Magic

Black and White Magic

The very concept of White Magic suggests the existence of the opposite concept of “black magic”. The process of following the spiritual Path and practicing White Magic is called the “right hand path”, in contrast to practicing black magic that is called the “left hand path”. The right hand path is in alignment with Divine will, while the left hand path is not. This paper offers a great number of contrasting characteristics, that can be summarized as follows: White Magic is associated with the soul or Spirit, while black magic is associated with matter; White Magic is positive, altruistic, soul infused, group oriented and unified, while black magic is negative, selfish, matter-enmeshed, individual, controlling, , and dualistic.

Black and White Magic  

Living the Laws of White Magic

While progressing along the spiritual Path we begin to respond to that relentless Will that urges us to explore and to take charge of ourselves so that power can be directed from our inner spiritual Self, rather than from outer conditions and circumstances of our life. It is Humanity’s path to bring together all three aspects of our spiritual Self – personality, soul, and spirit. The Rules of White Magic enable this spiritual journey, allowing us to become co-creators with Soul. This requires that we achieve mastery over our personality. Through a connection with Soul developed through meditation, the White Magician serves by wielding the Light, Love, Wisdom and Power of Soul into the world.

Living the Laws of White Magic  

The Thought-Form Building Process: A Key Aspect in Esoteric Training

This paper offers a brief analysis of the thought-form building process, and highlights the importance of achieving control of the lower mental vehicle. In the very beginning of the Rule X of the book “A Treatise on White Magic”, the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul teaches us about the importance of keeping the mind peaceful, and of developing mental pliability and sensitivity.

The Thought Form Building Process, A Key Aspect in Esoteric Training  

Some Ideas Gleaned from the Rules of White Magic for the Astral Plane

The five rules for White Magic for the astral plane deal with energizing thought forms previously built on mental levels. Becoming White Magicians requires that we master our own astral vehicle, which means acquiring the ability to think without emotion or personal desire, The astral plane is on the path upon which flows Love, and it is Love that is the magnetic force that draws the appropriate matter into the thoughtform being built. Control, purification and transformation of the astral body is essential, so that it may provide clear passage of the thought form towards its eventual physical manifestation.

Some Ideas Gleaned from the Rules of White Magic for the Astral Plane

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Buddhic Plane, Union and Sex

Buddhi — The Great Unifier

A fascinating exploration of the buddhic plane, the plane of the intuition, pure reason and universal love.

Buddhi — The Great Unifier

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Esoteric Healing

Esoteric Healing and the Rays

All levels in our planetary and solar system are conditioned by the seven Rays, and Esoteric Healing is an important example of this conditioning. Take a look at the different ways that both are involved, and how understanding these ways can improve our understanding of the subject.

Esoteric Healing and the Rays  

Laws in Esoteric Healing as a Source of Wisdom

According to the teachings of Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul, the are ten laws and six rules that govern esoteric healing, and which have conditioned all occult healers working under impression from the Spiritual Hierarchy. These laws are the unalterable conditions imposed upon the healer, and the rules constitute the conditions that a healer is advised to follow if he seeks success. The healer himself imposes the rules upon himself through discipline and understanding.

Laws in Esoteric Healing as a Source of Wisdom

Preliminary Considerations about the Soul and its Role in Healing

This paper is an investigation of some preliminary processes involved in reaching our healing abilities through the power of the soul. Based on the teachings about healing as given by the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul, it highlights the relationship between soul and disease, and how the soul is able to heal.

Preliminary Considerations About the Soul and its Role in Healing

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Spiritual Hierarchy and Shamballa

Being Spiritual Will

Most of humanity has developed intellect, and many on the spiritual path have developed love to a certain degree, but few have developed will, making it a new or final “frontier” of spiritual evolution. We seek to understand, recognize and identify with the presence of spiritual will in our daily lives, so that we may live our individual and group lives in accordance with Divine Will. Several terms related to the will are described in this paper, such as Atma, purpose, Shamballa, live, being, and identification. As well, the relationship between will and love, the egoic petals, the kingdoms, the rays and the various planes, are explored.

Being Spiritual Will  

Sanat Kumara, the Will and the Sacrifice

When we use the word sacrifice in spiritual matters we think of giving oneself up to a higher power. As we progress spiritually, we realize that our individual will comes under the dominion of a greater will. Further along the path of initiation, the initiate learns that his true will is not his personal will which is diminishing, but is “monadic essence,” qualified by “fixed determination” to follow the Will or Purpose of the planetary Logos. Sanat Kumara is our highest example of sacrifice. He has taken on the responsibility to serve asEarth’s soul and become “the Great Sacrifice.” It is also man’s destiny to become a savior of humanity, brought forth to this stage by great evolved beings within the Spiritual Hierarchy, who in turn, are under the supremacy of Sanat Kumara, the Eternal Youth, the Creator, the Lord of the World.

Sanat Kumara, the Will and the Sacrifice

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Our Place in a Much Larger Whole

This paper presents some concepts from the Ageless Wisdom that may provoke us to redefine our position as being the centre of our universe towards a more humble place in the total scheme of things. We, as an entity, are just a spec of consciousness within the almost unperceivable larger wholes of which we are a part.

Our Place in a Much Larger Whole


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Occult Law

The Cosmic Laws as Guides to Expansion of Consciousness

The three great cosmic laws of of Synthesis, Attraction, and Economy are fully explored.  An understand of these laws gives much understanding of the development of human consciousness.

The Cosmic Laws as Guides to Expansion of Consciousness


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Synthetic Projects

The Sword of Shamballa

The Sword as a Symbol Symbols constitute an abstract language that open the portals to the world of meaning. The sword as a symbol has a double meaning: higher and lower significances. The reason for this double meaning lies on the duality of the manifested Universe. Thus, the symbol of the sword can be interpreted as a “sword” of war used in combat for the purposes of personality interests, or as a “Sword” wielded by one inspired by the Soul or Monad and wielded with projected Divine consciousness. The life-giving energy of the sword is One and Powerful. Its material does not come from earthly mines but is forged in the Cosmic Heights, and through it flows the electric fire. Man’s ability to resonate with this high frequency will depend upon his consciousness. It is precisely the consciousness of the sword bearer that qualifies him to wield it. And it is in this “resonance” that the potentiality of the identification between the swordsman and his sword as one Being resides. That is why we find in mythology and legends multifaceted expressions of forms, powers and uses of swords, from those referred to in the annals of military histories to those carried by Avatars and Angels.

The Sword of Shamballa

The Sacred Word

This highly comprehensive paper explores the nature, effect and power of sound. The author has done a systematic study of vibration and symbolism, the cosmological beginnings of sound as presented in scientific theory and in a number of religious traditions, various mantric forms, and words of power. This paper delves into the nature of the sacred word and its effects upon our etheric centres, our personality, our field of service, various planes of consciousness, and other kingdoms of nature. This is a very deep subject and this paper is indeed an excellent treatise on the meaning, power and rightful use of the Sacred Word.

The Sacred Word


This paper offers an in-depth study of Mozart’s life from the perspective of Esoteric Astrology and Rayology.  Mozart embodied a sense of beauty and drama in his music which helped to pave the way for the Hierarchical movement of Romanticism in the nineteenth century. With a sun sign in Aquarius, he was a forerunner of the Aquarian Age. A devoted member of the Masonic fraternity, Mozart embraced its Enlightenment principles of Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood.


Unity Through Purification

An in-depth exploration of Purification, and of the opportunities and challenges we face as we seek to achieve Unity.

Unity Through Purification

A Synthesis of Western and Eastern Esoteric Wisdom Philosophies, Qabala and the Tree of Life

This is an extraordinary paper.  If you’re ready for an in-depth and extremely thorough exploration of the fundamental principles of the Ageless Wisdom, Qabala and the Tarot, this is the paper you’ve been waiting for.

A Synthesis of Western and Eastern Esoteric Wisdom Philosophies, Qabala and the Tree of Life

The Plane of Atma

This is an in-depth study of the plane of Atma as it is related to the emanation of Active Intelligence and Divine Will from relatively macrocosmic to microcosmic levels. All progress on the Path of Return is seen as being ultimately impulsed by the energies of divine Will from the plane of Atma, which makes it a most important subject of study and application for disciples who seek to bring the third aspect into closer reflection of the first aspect, thus contributing to the manifestation of Divine Will and Purpose.

The Plane of Atma

Walking on Water

The object of this paper is to provide a pathway of learning the process required to Walk on Water, using the well-known biblical image to present a formula for achieving mastery over the astral plane (the plane of water) and achieving the 2nd Initiation (the baptism).

Walking on Water

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Biographies of Famous People

Offered by students of the Morya Federation

Proposed esoteric profiles of famous people submitted by Great Quest students, with emphasis on the rays and astrological influences that may have shaped their lives.

Helena Blavatsky

Don Bosco

Joseph Campbell

Lucille Cedercrans

Walt Disney

Manuel de Falla

Ho Chi Minh

Thomas Merton

Michelle Obama

Pope Francis

Mark Rylance

Dr Albert Schweitzer

Piotr illitch Tchaikovsky

Monk Thich Nhat Hanh

Oprah Winfrey

Neil Young

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