These webinars were designed to provide an understanding of the esoteric Teachings. By seeing slides and hearing a discussion on a variety of subjects the individual can experience a greater rapport with the Teachings ‘as if’ being in a classroom.
The webinars vary in length from 60 to 90 minutes.
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Some of the subjects covered in these teaching webinars are The Secret Doctrine, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Awakening the Higher Mind, Esoteric Astrology, the Labours of Hercules, the Seven Rays, information on the Disciples found in Discipleship in the New Age, and the series on Sacred Geometry. Each series is described in more detail below.
The Secret Teachings of All Ages:
This in a new series of webinars presented by Francis Donald that began in August 2019. In this series, Francis will be exploring the esoteric wisdom revealed in Manly P. Hall’s beautifully illustrated “The Secret Teachings of All Ages.” From secret societies to the Eleusinian and Egyptian Mysteries; from the Delphic Oracle to the Holy Grail, together we will explore literally hundreds of esoteric subjects.
Click here to access archived Secret Teachings of All Ages webinars
If you wish to receive invitations to attend our webinar courses “live”, please click on JOIN US
If you sign up using the Join Us function, the links to webinar recordings and invitations to future webinars will be sent to you automatically.
The Secret Doctrine:
This in an on-going series of webinars presented by Francis Donald that began in September 2017. The Secret Doctrine, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s masterwork on the origin and evolution of the universe and humanity, is arguably the most famous, and perhaps the most influential, occult book ever written. In this ongoing webinar series, we’ll take an in-depth look at this groundbreaking treatise. We will focus on volume one, which is a translation of– and commentary on– one of the greatest source teachings ever given to humanity, the Book of Dzyan. These ancient writings, unavailable until publication of the SD, describe the passage from the formless realms of pure Being to the manifested universe in all its diversity.
The webinars will include charts, photographs, and other graphics. Attendees will be encouraged to participate in an open discussion style of presentation. Hope to see you there!
Click here to access archived Secret Doctrine webinars
If you wish to receive invitations to attend our webinar courses “live”, please click on JOIN US
If you sign up using the Join Us function, the links to webinar recordings and invitations to future webinars will be sent to you automatically.
Subjective Influences through the 10 Seed / Service Groups:
In this series each of the 10 Seed Groups was examined in how, at their core, they helping to transform humanity with a profound spiritual message. With the guidance of subjective energies from the inner planes, men and women of goodwill everywhere are helping to implement and facilitate a “Great Transformation” as we move towards the coming Aquarian Age. Discussion on the Seed Groups was supplemented with background on the Plan, Hierarchal Conclaves, Stage of the Forerunner, Discipleship and how crisis, tension, and the concept purification provides the seeds for positive change and spiritual opportunity for all humanity.. This series concluded in June 2022.
Click here to access the course on the Subjective Influences through the 10 Seed Groups
Journey of the Soul:
This series provides an overview of the world of the Soul and will take you on a journey of discovering how the Soul expresses and influences you in so many ways, while acting as a background of consciousness in guiding your life. As much as the esoteric teachings will be presented in lectures, this course is designed to be practical. Topics covered include: The nature of the evolution of consciousness vs. the evolution of the form nature; The 3 major Divine Aspects; Becoming the Observer; Right use of the Mind; Stages of Personal Evolution; Purification and Liberation; Alignment and Integration; Working with Crisis; The importance of Spiritual Values, Rules and Commandments; The importance of Meditation, Spiritual Study, and Service; and Setting up a Spiritual Practice. This series wrapped up March 2021.
Esoteric Astrology and the Pairs of Opposites:
This series briefly discussed the difference between mundane and esoteric astrology, including planetary rulership changes between personality perspective and that of the emerging soul. Then we went in-depth into the polarities being expressed by each axis, Aries to Libra, Taurus to Scorpio, etc. Astrologically speaking, we face many pairs of opposites. Key polarities are the Ascendant-Descendant axis (the self and the significant other) or the Midheaven-Nadir axis (career versus home). And of course, the personality (represented by the Sun sign) and its polar opposite, the Earth. This series wrapped up 12 September 2020.
Click here to access the course on Esoteric Astrology and the Pairs of Opposites
Awakening the Higher Mind:
This series of webinars was presented by Duane Carpenter. The primary objective of this series of webinars is to awaken the higher mind and the intuition and not necessarily to impart large volumes of information however important as a foundational base. Information is only useful if it eventually leads the student to an expansion of consciousness or changes in the inner sheaths or bodies. We must see the occult path and all of its allied information as a synthesis and how the isolated parts can be brought together into a more organic whole. Some of the images and animations that will be shared can be seen or experienced as short meditations. Attendees will be encouraged to participate in an open discussion style of presentation.
Click here to access archived Awakening the Higher Mind webinars

Exploring Discipleship in the New Age (DINA):
This series was presented by Elena Dramchini and wrapped up in January 2019. It discussed the relationship between a disciple and the Master, and reviewed the astrological chart to see correlations from the instruction given by Master DK (published in DINA I and DINA II) to the disciple’s chart and rayological make up. While this may be specific to a certain individual, we can learn many things about astrology and the rays by this type of analysis. We may also find that we have a similar ray or astrological pattern to that of the Disciple, so it might tell us a lot about ourselves, too. Additionally, this series of webinars will explore the importance of meditation and service in the life of a disciple and his advancement through the twelve pillars into the center or the inner sanctum of the Ashram, as well as the group interaction, integration and cohesion that is so important when working within a Master’s Ashram.
This series concluded in 2019, but you can access the archived webinar recordings by clicking the link below
Click here to access archived courses on the Exploring DINA
Sacred Geometry:
The neo-platonist Thomas Taylor writes, “Like a bridge, [sacred] geometry enables its votary to pass over the obscurity of material nature, as over some dark sea to the luminous regions of perfect reality.” We might ask: What’s the difference between sacred number and geometry and the math we learned in high school? What makes it sacred?
This series was presented by Francis Donald, wrapping up in September, 2016. Francis looked at the intrinsic qualities of each of the first twelve numbers, for example instead of considering one as a counting phenomena, i.e., 3+1=4, he looked at one as unity, and at the nature of wholeness. Later webinars explored the magic of functions such as phi, which lies at the heart of all natural growth. Using artwork, photos, and diagrams, Francis related number and geometry to color, sound, temple construction, the tarot, the growth of shells and flowers, the Platonic and Archimedean solids, and the nature of the Cosmos.
This series concluded September 2016, but you can access the archived webinar recordings by clicking the link below
Click here to access archived courses on Sacred Geometry
Esoteric Astrology:
Esoteric Astrology gives a larger perspective of life; that we are not just inhabiting a little planet on its own in the solar system, but participating as an energy centre within a greater solar life. It describes the qualities and energies of these living beings thereby allowing comprehension, and also understanding of how they interact with each other. Astrology is essentially the science of energies. The zodiacal constellation receives and transmits energy from cosmic sources to a corresponding planet in our solar system, and the Sun, Moon and planets in turn receive and transmit these energies to Earth and its inhabitants. The energy body of a human being is at the receiving end of these energy transmissions, which then have an impact upon him. Astrology describes the psychology and patterns in one’s life.
This series was presented first in 2015 and was re-presented in 2018 an expanded format. You can view recordings for both series by clicking the links below:
Click here to access 2018 course on Esoteric Astrology
Click here to access archived 2015 Esoteric Astrology course
The Labours of Hercules:
“The progress of a world disciple is illustrated in the heavens by the Labours of Hercules through the zodiacal signs. It is as though God had pictured in space his Plan for the working out of the evolution of the human spirit back to its source.”
Through the twelve zodiacal signs the twelve labours of Hercules are traced showing how he played the part of the aspirant upon the Path of Discipleship. On it, he undertook certain tasks, symbolic in nature, and passed through certain episodes and events, which portray for all time the nature of the training and attainments which characterize the man who is nearing liberation.
There were 2 series of webinars on the Labours of Hercules. These webinars discussed the myth, analyzed the labor, and show how they pertain to the life of the world disciple (each one of us). There was a long series with monthly webinars, one for each sign, that began with an introduction in March 2013 and the Aries Labor in April 2013, and concluded with the Pisces Labour in March 2014.
There was a 2nd series, a condensed version of the labors with 3 labors each month held in 2015. Both series can be found at:
Click here to access archived Labours of Hercules courses
The Seven Rays:
The Seven Rays constitute a most important component of Esoteric Psychology. All life including all kingdoms are conditioned by the Seven Rays, whether it be an animal, a tree, a human, an organisation, a city or nation. Every unit of the human race is on some one of the seven rays. Therefore, some one colour predominates, and some one tone sounds forth. Every human being is swept into manifestation on the impulse of some ray, and is coloured by that ray quality, which determines his form and indicates the way that he should go. A ray confers physical conditions, the quality of the emotional nature, and the distribution of energy giving a predisposition to certain strengths and weaknesses. It gives the human being his colouring and quality. The personality shifts from ray to ray, from life to life, until all qualities are developed. While this process of soul control is being perfected, the ray types of the personality vehicles steadily emerge, the ray of the personality begins to control, and the soul ray begins finally to infuse the personality. The soul ray is an indicator of one’s life purpose, and greatly contributes to the type of service the individual is destined to offer.
This series of webinars has concluded for now. In these webinars students learn about the fundamentals of the rays, their influence, interplay and role in the spiritual progress of the human being; the cosmic origin of the seven rays, their descent to Earth and their expression in human psychology (the seven ray-types of human beings).
Click here to access archived courses on the Seven Rays
Chart Delineation:
This was a series of webinars for Morya Federation students describing the basics of esoteric chart delineation concentrating on the personality and soul expressions of the Moon, Sun, and Ascendant signs and rays, as well as the difference between exoteric and esoteric house placements. This series was presented first in 2015 and was re-presented in 2018 an expanded format. You can view recordings for both series by clicking the links below:
Click here to access 2018 course on Chart Delineation
Click here to access archived 2015 course on Chart Delineation
Great Quest:
This a series of webinars for Morya Federation students that follow the curriculum of Great Quest. While only students could attend the live webinar, anyone can view the recordings.
Click here to access archived courses for the Great Quest