A Centre of latent force, a black hole, and negative field.
Continued observations on electromagnetic force and gravity, and of scientific observation of black hole electromagnetic activity, and gravitational attraction.
This is a notable occult statement, of HPB. A foundation in strength according to the weight of the mass. Here indicated by HPB is the fact of the extraordinary gravitation attraction required to hold together a given planetary or solar body or mass. This, unimaginable gravitational force is described as the ‘foundational strength, according to, or proportional to, structure, weight, and mass.
The extreme example given, is the very universe itself. This depending on writers context in Secret Doctrine, which varies, could be the entire vault of the heavens, or a solar system. Either would be true. A most crucial and enlightening point is that the foundation of the Universe, ‘rests on a single point far more minute than a molecule, circa 1888. This is an extraordinary reference to a black hole gravitational singularity or layer point, later proposed circa 1919.
Super-massive black holes or “inter-etheric points”, are accepted as lying behind all galaxies, as well as all stars. This is illustrated by J.W Keely, in the Secret Doctrine, as referenced by HPB. DK uses the terms atoms and molecules interchangeably. Keely refers to molecule, yet atom or more accurately, ‘etheric atom’ is inferred and is also used. The illustrated point is that of the immense volume, or mass, call it what we will, that is held in formation and perfect balance. A galaxy, and its accumulation of stars, planets and gases, are held all on an inter etheric point, as understood by the occultist, and the ‘singularity’ of the exoteric astronomical physicist. Each star and planet also has an inter etheric point, as has each atom.
In regards a suspected black hole, large amounts of cosmic dust are seen, and is indicative of black hole theory as the secret doctrine expresses thus, “is but cosmic dust (a “layer centre”).
Let us ponder this from HP Blavatsky.
“All structures require a foundation in strength according to the weight of the mass they have to carry, but the foundations of the universe rest on a vacuous point far more minute than a molecule; in fact, to express this truth properly, on an inter-etheric point”. SD1 557. 1888.
Mr. Keely illustrates his idea of “a neutral centre” in this way:–
“We will imagine that, after an accumulation of a planet of any diameter, say, 20,000 miles, more or less, for the size has nothing to do with the problem; there should be a displacement of all the material, with the exception of a crust 5,000 miles thick, leaving an intervening void between this crust and a centre of the size of an ordinary billiard ball, it would then require a force as great to move this small central mass as it would to move the shell of 5,000 miles thickness. Moreover, this small central mass would carry the load of this crust for ever, keeping it equidistant; and there could be no opposing power, however great, that could bring them together. The imagination staggers in contemplating the immense load which bears upon this point of centre, where weight ceases. . . . This is what we understand by a neutral centre.” SD1 557. end.
Here we are told that a layer centre, an ‘inter-etheric point’ or black hole force centre, is negative in its polarity, whilst the ‘world of matter’ is positively polarised. This gives us the electrical direction and interplay, the polarity of such inter etheric points, scientifically understood as singularities. It is the horizon or scientific ‘event horizon’ that is the point from fifth plane gaseous to fourth subplane etheric, or super gaseous, and the point or level via which one crosses into the other via the intra plane.
Scientists currently ponder what lays behind a black hole or etheric centre. Our thoughts will do well to ponder the crossover from gaseous to super gaseous/etheric states. This crossover has a name used by science which is the event horizon.
We are told that an inter etheric vacuum can be produced. This could be contrasted with the Tibetan advising that it is possible for the human to tap directly into the ethers for vitality. Below Keely illustrates the facts on inter etheric points as ‘atomic neutral centres’.
All atoms and planets have such negative centres or etheric centres, and have then their own ‘black hole’ as science recognises all galaxies and stars have. These larger centres are seen through the gravitational bending or ‘lensing’ of light. They are the attractive powers that power all planets and systems. They are the ‘missing mass’ of the solar systems and that which sub-stands all matter manifestation. In many ways the missing mass of the planetary logos force or attractive energy. They are the original gravitational sources.
Here illustrated, is the nature of “rotating etheric centres” and we must recall that science recognises black holes as having rotation i.e. its “inconceivable velocity of rotation”. Gravitational attraction must therefore have a close connection to electromagnetic force being the source properties of physical phenomena and tamasic or “inert motion” and relative “heavy rhythm” of the third aspect.
There is a purposeful reason for gas jets as the black hole, or force centre of the galaxy or star appears to attract and repulse, and as discussed in the Secret Doctrine as being, “attractive or magnetic, the elective or propulsive”. These two electrical polar opposites hold and produce in exact balance, all the power and energy that is required to maintain the function, rotation, orbit, and life evolution, of any planet, sun or constellation of suns and galaxies. Black holes or layer centres have not been seen directly, however the physical and phenomenal effects produced around them have been measured.
Its noted that that “Repulsion is brought about by rotary action” and we must equate the rotary action of a super-massive black hole or force centre, currently theorises as “a sort of spinning magnet” and here seen as the source of all “momentum” and rotary motion. A so called ‘charged singularity’ or black hole occultly understood as a zero point, or force centre, has such momentum and rotary motion, whilst an ‘uncharged’ one has none.
It is the ultra powerful gravitational attraction of a singularity that is seen as the point of greatest denseness or compression of all matter into the black hole and that point from which black hole, jets, and gamma rays, are ejected. The is parallel to the exterior/interior dilation of the seven rays and re-absorption of the life of the physical sun and system of schemes, back into the negative layer centre, at the close of the solar manvantara.
The occult term, ‘Becomes seven suns, is reference to the sevenfold nature of a layer centre or black hole. It holds within, so to speak, the zero point or singularity, seven neutral centres of the seven planes that hold the seven principles of the planet, or star, or galaxy.
HPB states.
“Have started from the same neutral centre of Life and both have to re-merge into it at the consummation of the cycle.” SD2 261.
This having analogy to, and reference to, the process of production and absorption of matter via an event horizon, or point from fifth plane gaseous, to fourth subplane etheric, or super gaseous, and the point or level via which one crosses into the other.
He states.
“it teaches a cyclic law, a double stream of force (or spirit) and of matter, which, starting from the neutral centre of Being.” SD2 731.
This has an intriguing analogy to the gravitational and electromagnetic interplay of a black hole.
Further to my observations on electromagnetic force, and gravity, and of the scientific observation of black hole electromagnetic activity and gravitational pull, both in this case can approach equal strength, and this is proved when gas jets eject free from such strong gravitational forces.
This being the case, the black hole or force centre of the galaxy or star, appears to both attract and repulse. The law of attraction and of repulsion stabilises and regulates the time and space distances between locations of stars, planets and solar material.
Here we hypothetically see the law of attraction and repulsion in activity as gravitational field influence, and electromagnetic field influence, of a super-massive force centre. This must be governed by the second ray though the third ray in respect of matter operates through the law of economy.
Its noted that that “Repulsion is brought about by rotary action” and we must equate the rotary action of a super-massive black hole/force centre, currently theorised as “a sort of spinning magnet” and here seen as the source of all “momentum”, and rotary motion. A so called ‘charged singularity’ or black hole occultly understood as a zero point or force centre has such momentum and rotary motion whilst an ‘uncharged’ one has none. JPC. Aug 6, 2014.
The Tibetan states.
“the cosmic Law of Attraction and Repulsion is the basic law of this divine Ray.” Ray two.
“Momentum, resulting therefore in repulsion, was produced by the rotary movement. We have referred to the Law of Repulsion as one of the subsidiary branches of the great Law of Economy, which governs matter. Repulsion is brought about by rotary action, and is the basis of that separation which prevents the contact of any atom with any other atom, which keeps the planets at fixed points in space and separated stably from each other; which keeps them at a certain distance from their systemic center, and which likewise keeps the planes and subplanes from losing their material identity.” TCF 154. Quantum Entanglement
Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs (or groups) of particles are generated or interact in ways such that the quantum state of each member must subsequently be described relative to the other. JPC: To understand quantum entanglement from an esoteric perspective requires the reader to call upon another term in replacement of the word ‘entanglement’.
Quantum entanglement is a product of quantum superposition. However, the state of each member is indefinite in terms of physical properties such as position,[1]momentum, spin, polarization, etc. in a manner distinct from the intrinsic uncertainty of quantum superposition. When a measurement is made on one member of an entangled pair and the outcome is thus known (e.g., clockwise spin), the other member of the pair is at any subsequent time[2] always found (when measured) to have taken the appropriately correlated value (e.g., counterclockwise spin). There is thus a correlation between the results of measurements performed on entangled pairs, and this correlation is observed even though the entangled pair may be separated by arbitrarily large distances.[3]JPC: Such entanglement supposes an inner and linking thread that keeps two quantum or subjective particles such as atoms and their subsidiary particles known as electrons apparently connected when they are distinctly separate in time and space. This connecting thread of energy is known in occultism as karma. It is the connecting [entanglement] karmic thread or thread of attraction that co-joins and is the energetic thread which determines their very real interaction and the physical properties they share between them. Repeated experiments have verified that this works even when the measurements are performed more quickly than light could travel between the sites of measurement: there is no lightspeed or slower influence that can pass between the entangled particles.[4] Recent experiments have measured entangled particles within less than one part in 10,000 of the light travel time between them;[5] according to the formalism of quantum theory, the effect of measurement happens instantly.[6][7] JPC: The speed of thought or telepathic interplay has a real bearing on such karmic and telepathic connections that influence and result in provable scientific phenomena or action at a distance surpassing light speed.The ‘entangled’ or connecting thread is as real and scientifically observable as a beam of light though much faster.
This behavior is consistent with quantum theory, and has been demonstrated experimentally with photons, electrons, molecules the size of buckyballs,[8][9] and even small diamonds.[10][11] It is an area of extremely active research by the physics community. JPC: From photons to small diamonds the fact of observable interaction and attraction has been observed and measured in quantum terms and conveys pure occultism as that of the adepts.However, there is some heated debate[12] about whether a possible classical underlying mechanism could explain entanglement. The difference in opinion derives from espousal of various interpretations of quantum mechanics.
Research into quantum entanglement was initiated by a 1935 paper by Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosendescribing the EPR paradox[13] and several papers by Erwin Schrödinger shortly thereafter.[14][15] Although these first studies focused on the counterintuitive properties of entanglement, with the aim of criticizing quantum mechanics, eventually entanglement was verified experimentally,[16] and recognized as a valid, fundamental feature of quantum mechanics. The focus of the research has now changed to its utilization as a resource for communication and computation. wikipedia. JPC: Albert Einstein challenged the held theory that such quantum observations of ‘entanglement’ were random and disordered and he stated that ‘God does not throw dice’. It has since been verified that such quantum connections are real though viewed as entangled. However it is accepted that certain particles or groups of particles that are attracted or connected display opposite properties ‘appropriately correlated value’ such as spin being clockwise and counter clockwise.
Thus opposites attract and are influenced under quantum and karmic law and telepathic ‘wave’ connectivity for good or bad. This is as true for all sub atomic particles and atoms, pairs and groups, as it is for the human and planetary atoms. The ‘particle wave’ question as proven as both being true with the wave of connection being the karmic and energetic entangling thread that forever sub-stands the physical and quantum etheric universe.
The apparent non locality of certain quantum particles having the capacity of being in more than one ‘location’ at one time or instance for measurable purposes is the property of their being outside of time and space and being in the sub atomic ether or etheric plane or of the second and first ether. Physical light or photons use as a medium or conduit of travel the second ether at 299 792 458 m / s or 186,000 miles per second. From the first ether upwards travel or arrival connectivity is instant and exceeds light speed though telepathic connection in its instantaneous state or nomena is the norm and time/distance measurement purely a physical manifestation and therefore phenomena.
Gravity and gravitational field
Axial spin as ‘rotary movement, produces repulsion from other bodies of mass also in rotation or spin. Science understands this as producing gravitation and gravity waves. Due to the almost non existent and vastly reduced axial rotation of the moon, its substance and chemical composition is in part attractive to the earth and thus has transferred all that is occultly liable, inclusive of proportional amounts of isotopes.
Gravity is the effect of the attraction of the planetary entity, the Spirit of the earth, or of any other planet, star, or galaxy etc, drawing all things “back to the earth”, or back to its central self. Thus, according to the gravitational pull of the entity, relative to its physical planetary size and mass, so is the shape and lines of human form taken accordingly. This applies also to the formation of all the forms in the lower kingdoms.
DK places the effect of, or the force of gravity, to extend from two sources one being the ‘spirit of the earth’ as it conditions all the tamasic and material forms of the planet. He also attributes gravity to the ‘planetary logos’. He gives more detail, re the earth spirit in relation to the hold over the denser forms of the earth. We must here note that the effect of gravity is produced on all solid objects equally, irrespective of shape size and mass within the field radiation area of a given planet, for instance our planet. Each physical globe will produce its own unique gravitational field as previously illustrated.
All planetary masses are special, or relative, to their own composition, and many planets are not dense or solid but are gaseous, and stars are plasma/atomic nuclear reaction. This still irrespective of size, mass and density, have have their own particular gravitational field. How then if they do not have a ‘spirit of the earth’ do they have gravitation? They of course have a logos that in their own high place hold their body of manifestation together, perpetually drawing together the atomic and sub atomic particles into a coherent whole, resulting in the pranic emanation and fire by friction, of their system.
Each globe, or star, or galaxy, produces this gravitational field that encompasses it, much like a planetary aura of prana and vitality, sustaining even the smallest flying insects and macrobiotic life that exists in its highest and thinnest atmosphere. Gravity is clearly allied to the great law of attraction and repulsion, equalising and maintaining the respective distances between planets and stars within their respective systems. It is the great law of the Parabrama, the Absolute.
The so called ‘curvature of space time, recognises the gravitation field or effect of this attractive force that bends light as it passes within the gravitational field of a star, as originally realised by Henry Cavendish in 1784, and Johann Georg von Soldner in 1801. Einstein however, became the first to calculate the correct value for the curvature of light in this regard. Not all light is however attracted within the planetary sphere.
Light is a particle/wave of energy known as a photon of energy, which is electromagnetic radiation, and is the material or form/matter and a “physical phenomena” of the second ether, and as such has mass and is subject to gravitational attraction within a field of gravitation, producing a relative curvature, a sling shot effect crudely put, according to the proportional strength of gravity exerted on the photo electron, within time and space. Planets receive and distribute light according to solar and planetary requirements and in specific proportion as governed by the Solar Logos, and administered by the planetary logi according to evolutionary necessity.
The notion of ‘no gravitational force, or that it is a ‘fictitious force, and that it is the curvature of space time alone in ‘general relativity, that is the cause of light curvature around a star, ‘deflection of starlight by the Sun’, accounts for none of the above. However, we must keep in mind the natural rotary motion of matter, the rotation of the spheres of the solar system, of the constellations, and the entire vault of heaven, being spherical, indicates the circular activity of all matter and the coming under of spiral cyclic motion, as it is influenced by spirit.
It is though, important to keep in mind that light travels via, and uses as a medium, the second ether, and as such a light photon uses the etheric nadis for transmission, and for our purposes travels as a beam of light, a wave with a specific frequency and speed, and from one point to another in straight line trajectories, though undulating wavelike, being the shortest and most efficient use of distance in time and space.
A photon is considered as having no mass due to its light speed, however this is contradicted by its measured deflection and curvature by a strong gravitational field as measured in curvature of space time. Outside of a strong gravitational field it exhibits no curvature or deflection of its direction. Light has force and can exert pressure on an object, thus a photon though near massless, must have minute mass and in grouped form display greater mass or “greater accumulative force”. Light as photons exert their own gravitational attraction on other objects. Gravitational attraction must therefore have a close connection to electromagnetic force being the properties of physical phenomena and tamasic, or “inert motion,” and relative “heavy rhythm” of the third aspect. JPC. June 8, 2014.
The Tibetan states.
“All physical phenomena as we understand the term have an electrical origin, and an initial vibration on the first subplane of the physical plane.
- That Light, physical plane light, has a close connection with, and uses, as a medium, the second ether.
- That sound functions through the third ether.
- That color in a peculiar sense is allied to the fourth ether.” TCF 320.
“The Law of Gravitation. This law is for the non-occult student the most puzzling and confusing of all the laws. It shows itself in one aspect as the power, and the stronger urge that a more vital life may have upon the lesser, such as the power of the spirit of the Earth (the planetary Entity, not the planetary Logos) to hold all physical forms to itself and prevent their “scattering.” This is due to the heavier vibration, the greater accumulative force, and the aggregated tamasic lives of the body of the planetary Entity. This force works upon the negative, or lowest, aspect of all physical forms.” TCF 1172.
From Wikipedia.
“Gravity is the dominant force at the macroscopic scale, that is the cause of the formation, shape, and trajectory (orbit) of astronomical bodies, including those of asteroids, comets, planets, stars, and galaxies. It is responsible for causing the Earth and the other planets to orbit the Sun; for causing the Moon to orbit the Earth; for the formation of tides; for natural convection, by which fluid flow occurs under the influence of a density gradient and gravity; for heating the interiors of forming stars and planets to very high temperatures; for solar system, galaxy, stellar formation and evolution; and for various other phenomena observed on Earth and throughout the universe. This is the case for several reasons: gravity is the only force acting on all particles with mass; it has an infinite range; always attractive and never repulsive; and cannot be absorbed, transformed, or shielded against.”
A Black Hole is a Region of Spacetime
A black hole is a region of spacetime from which gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping.[1] The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass will deform spacetime to form a black hole. Around a black hole, there is a mathematically defined surface called an event horizon that marks the point of no return. The hole is called “black” because it absorbs all the light that hits the horizon, reflecting nothing, just like a perfect black body in thermodynamics.[2][3]Quantum field theory in curved spacetime predicts that event horizons emit radiation like a black body with a finite temperature. This temperature is inversely proportional to the mass of the black hole, making it difficult to observe this radiation for black holes of stellar mass or greater.
Objects whose gravity fields are too strong for light to escape were first considered in the 18th century by John Michell and Pierre-Simon Laplace. The first modern solution of general relativity that would characterize a black hole was found by Karl Schwarzschild in 1916, although its interpretation as a region of space from which nothing can escape was first published by David Finkelstein in 1958. Long considered a mathematical curiosity, it was during the 1960s that theoretical work showed black holes were a generic prediction of general relativity. The discovery of neutron stars sparked interest in gravitationally collapsed compact objects as a possible astrophysical reality.
Black holes of stellar mass are expected to form when very massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycle. After a black hole has formed it can continue to grow by absorbing mass from its surroundings. By absorbing other stars and merging with other black holes, supermassive black holes of millions of solar masses may form. There is general consensus that supermassive black holes exist in the centers of most galaxies.
Despite its invisible interior, the presence of a black hole can be inferred through its interaction with other matter and with electromagnetic radiation such as light. Matter falling onto a black hole can form an accretion disk heated by friction, forming some of the brightest objects in the universe. If there are other stars orbiting a black hole, their orbit can be used to determine its mass and location. These data can be used to exclude possible alternatives (such as neutron stars). In this way, astronomers have identified numerous stellar black hole candidates in binary systems, and established that the core of our Milky Way galaxy contains a supermassive black hole of about 4.3 million solar masses. wikipedia.
Black holes do not exist?
Researcher shows that black holes do not exist
Sep 24, 2014 by Thania Benios
Black holes have long captured the public imagination and been the subject of popular culture, from Star Trek to Hollywood. They are the ultimate unknown – the blackest and most dense objects in the universe that do not even let light escape. And as if they weren’t bizarre enough to begin with, now add this to the mix: they don’t exist.JPC: Latest research asserts that so called black holes do not exist and has been mathematically proven. The maths used is of course not the “spiritual mathematics” spoken of by the Tibetan Master.
By merging two seemingly conflicting theories, Laura Mersini-Houghton, a physics professor at UNC-Chapel Hill in the College of Arts and Sciences, has proven, mathematically, that black holes can never come into being in the first place. The work not only forces scientists to reimagine the fabric of space-time, but also rethink the origins of the universe.
“I’m still not over the shock,” said Mersini-Houghton. “We’ve been studying this problem for a more than 50 years and this solution gives us a lot to think about.”
For decades, black holes were thought to form when a massive star collapses under its own gravity to a single point in space – imagine the Earth being squished into a ball the size of a peanut – called a singularity. So the story went, an invisible membrane known as the event horizon surrounds the singularity and crossing this horizon means that you could never cross back. It’s the point where a black hole’s gravitational pull is so strong that nothing can escape it.
JPC: Let us take a look at the use of the term ‘singularity’ with the ageless wisdom of the Secret Doctrine… “a vacuous point far more minute than a molecule; in fact, to express this truth properly, on an inter-etheric point”. SD1 557. 1888. We can see that indeed the occult description might well be termed a ‘singularity’, which is also an abstract term akin to the Keely “neutral centre”.
The reason black holes are so bizarre is that it pits two fundamental theories of the universe against each other. Einstein’s theory of gravity predicts the formation of black holes but a fundamental law of quantum theory states that no information from the universe can ever disappear. Efforts to combine these two theories lead to mathematical nonsense, and became known as the information loss paradox.
JPC: In regards spiritual mathematics of which we know relatively nothing and material mathematics which can be used to prove or disprove material form and illusion there is no comparison and the reason there can be nonsensical theories is due to our lack of understanding and appreciation of occult science and of our reliance upon material science.
In 1974, Stephen Hawking used quantum mechanics to show that black holes emit radiation. Since then, scientists have detected fingerprints in the cosmos that are consistent with this radiation, identifying an ever-increasing list of the universe’s black holes.
But now Mersini-Houghton describes an entirely new scenario. She and Hawking both agree that as a star collapses under its own gravity, it produces Hawking radiation. However, in her new work, Mersini-Houghton shows that by giving off this radiation, the star also sheds mass. So much so that as it shrinks it no longer has the density to become a black hole.
JPC: The radiation detected emits from internal etheric and super/hyper etheric sources originating from the logos’ “directing thought” as HPB describes it. It is of course the gross manifestation of this high reality. The denser atoms of a star are shed to provide material for the formation of other stars. A black hole draws to itself such material [“From this fourth etheric sphere the dense physical bodies are created”] when stars and kingdoms are formed as the dense physical body of an informing logos. Mersini-Houghton has a superficial view of science.
Before a black hole can form, the dying star swells one last time and then explodes. A singularity never forms and neither does an event horizon. The take home message of her work is clear: there is no such thing as a black hole.
JPC: There can never be a star or planet without there being the originating “vacuous point far more minute than a molecule; …an inter-etheric point” for all such bodies “require a foundation in strength according to the weight of the mass they have to carry” or otherwise a ‘minute inter-etheric point’. The event horizon is simply a scientific abstract which relates very closely with the subplane point or even horizon where dense physical gases cross over to their etheric and super-gaseous, super-etheric states. Their remaining mass or residual atoms of substance in their grosser manifestation is shed.
Laura Mersini-Houghton has dismissed the reality of an abstract idea of a black hole or point from which a stellar body could originate from. This equates with the ‘no such thing’ as a creator, or of the possibility of a quantum, mystical or occult explanation. Black holes, or any “vacuous point far more minute than a molecule” do not exist, nor anything sub-standing the outer body exists.
The paper, which was recently submitted to ArXiv, an online repository of physics papers that is not peer-reviewed, offers exact numerical solutions to this problem and was done in collaboration with Harald Peiffer, an expert on numerical relativity at the University of Toronto. An earlier paper, by Mersini-Houghton, originally submitted to ArXiv in June, was published in the journal Physics Letters B, and offers approximate solutions to the problem.
JPC: Numerical solution have been adjusted to apparently disprove any possibility of some underlying state of being that could account for the physical universe. A good accountant can do anything with numbers to obtain a desired goal.
Experimental evidence may one day provide physical proof as to whether or not black holes exist in the universe. But for now, Mersini-Houghton says the mathematics are conclusive.
Many physicists and astronomers believe that our universe originated from a singularity that began expanding with the Big Bang. However, if singularities do not exist, then physicists have to rethink their ideas of the Big Bang and whether it ever happened.
JPC: The theoretical study of black holes, singularities and event horizons are bordering on the occult view of the universe. The ‘conclusive’ thoughts of Mersini-Houghton appear light years away from these abstract and near accurate ideas and could be the product of the lower mind being the ‘slayer of the real’.
“Physicists have been trying to merge these two theories – Einstein’s theory of gravity and quantum mechanics – for decades, but this scenario brings these two theories together, into harmony,” said Mersini-Houghton. “And that’s a big deal.”
JPC: LMH…”Einstein’s theory of gravity predicts the formation of black holes but a fundamental law of quantum theory states that no information from the universe can ever disappear.” Laura Mersini-Houghton appears to have misinterpreted the law of general and special relativity as it states that energy is ever transformed into different states and is never lost but only converted into a higher or lower forms of energy. It was embodied in the formula E=mc2.
Energy conversion within the Universe is a given phenomena and as yet has not realistically been squared with its transference or conversion into etheric or super-etheric states and beyond.Black holes of Einstein and neutral centres or laya points of Keely were predicted and discussed as has been the no loss of energy/information of relativity and occult science.
It is the inaccurate formulas of mundane science that are the products and problems of mundane scientific thought. Only when science realises and accepts the fourth ether, the super-gaseous, which DK assures us is being studied but not admitted, and that of the second ether which light uses as a medium, will the higher threshold of light and beyond become better understood and the formula E=mc2 and the relative ‘material constant of light’ be better comprehended and expanded upon.
“The imagination staggers in contemplating the immense load which bears upon this point of centre, where weight ceases. . . . This is what we understand by a neutral centre.” JWK. HPB. SD1 557.
JPC: i.e. as a star or galaxy of stars bearing upon a singularity, black hole, inter etheric point, or neutral centre i.e. a gravitational point governed by the great Law of Attraction.
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2014-09-black-holes.html#jCp
By merging two seemingly conflicting theories, Laura Mersini-Houghton, a physics professor at UNC-Chapel Hill in the College of Arts and Sciences, has proven, mathematically, thatblack holes can never come into being in the first place. The work not only forces scientists to reimagine the fabric of space-time, but also rethink the origins of the universe.”I’m still not over the shock,” said Mersini-Houghton. “We’ve been studying this problem for a more than 50 years and this solution gives us a lot to think about.”For decades, black holes were thought to form when a massive star collapses under its own gravity to a single point in space – imagine the Earth being squished into a ball the size of a peanut – called a singularity. So the story went, an invisible membrane known as the event horizon surrounds the singularity and crossing this horizon means that you could never cross back. It’s the point where a black hole’s gravitational pull is so strong that nothing can escape it.The reason black holes are so bizarre is that it pits two fundamental theories of the universe against each other. Einstein’s theory of gravity predicts the formation of black holes but a fundamental law of quantum theory states that no information from the universe can ever disappear. Efforts to combine these two theories lead to mathematical nonsense, and became known as the information loss paradox.In 1974, Stephen Hawking used quantum mechanics to show that black holes emit radiation. Since then, scientists have detected fingerprints in the cosmos that are consistent with this radiation, identifying an ever-increasing list of the universe’s black holes.But now Mersini-Houghton describes an entirely new scenario. She and Hawking both agree that as a star collapses under its own gravity, it produces Hawking radiation. However, in her new work, Mersini-Houghton shows that by giving off this radiation, the star also sheds mass. So much so that as it shrinks it no longer has the density to become a black hole.
Before a black hole can form, the dying star swells one last time and then explodes. A singularity never forms and neither does anevent horizon. The take home message of her work is clear: there is no such thing as a black hole.
The paper, which was recently submitted toArXiv, an online repository of physics papers that is not peer-reviewed, offers exact numerical solutions to this problem and was done in collaboration with Harald Peiffer, an expert on numerical relativity at the University of Toronto. An earlier paper, by Mersini-Houghton, originally submitted to ArXiv in June,was published in the journal Physics Letters B, and offers approximate solutions to the problem.
Experimental evidence may one day provide physical proof as to whether or not black holes exist in the universe. But for now, Mersini-Houghton says the mathematics are conclusive.
Many physicists and astronomers believe that our universe originated from a singularity that began expanding with the Big Bang. However, if singularities do not exist, then physicists have to rethink their ideas of the Big Bang and whether it ever happened.
“Physicists have been trying to merge these two theories – Einstein’s theory of gravity and quantum mechanics – for decades, but this scenario brings these two theories together, into harmony,” said Mersini-Houghton. “And that’s a big deal.”Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2014-09-black-holes.html#jCp
Magnetic forces can be as strong as gravity
JC: Continued observations on electromagnetic force and gravity and of scientific observation of black hole electromagnetic activity and gravitational pull.
“All structures require a foundation in strength according to the weight of the mass they have to carry, but the foundations of the universe rest on a vacuous point far more minute than a molecule; in fact, to express this truth properly, on an inter-etheric point”. SD1 557. 1888.
JPC: This is a notable occult statement… “a foundation in strength according to the weight of the mass”. Here indicated by HPB is the fact of the extraordinary gravitation attraction required to hold together a given planetary or solar body/mass. This unimaginable gravitational force is described as the ‘foundational strength’ according to or proportional to structure, weight and mass. The extreme example given is the very universe itself. This depending on writers context in SD, which varies, could be the entire vault of the heavens or the solar system. Either would be true. A most crucial and enlightening point is that the foundation of the Universe ‘rests on a single point far more minute than a molecule’ 1888. This is an extraordinary reference to a black hole gravitational singularity later proposed c1919 onwards.
“There is general consensus that supermassive black holes exist in the centers of most galaxies.”
1915, Albert Einstein developed his theory of general relativity, having earlier shown that gravity does influence light’s motion. Only a few months later, Karl Schwarzschild found a solution to the Einstein field equations, which describes the gravitational field of a point mass and a spherical mass.[9] A few months after Schwarzschild, Johannes Droste, a student of Hendrik Lorentz, independently gave the same solution for the point mass and wrote more extensively about its properties.[10][11] This solution had a peculiar behaviour at what is now called the Schwarzschild radius, where it became singular, meaning that some of the terms in the Einstein equations became infinite. The nature of this surface was not quite understood at the time. In 1924, Arthur Eddington showed that the singularity disappeared after a change of coordinates (see Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates), although it took until 1933 for Georges Lemaître to realize that this meant the singularity at the Schwarzschild radius was an unphysical coordinate singularity.[12]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_hole
“At the center of a black hole as described by general relativity lies a gravitational singularity, a region where the spacetime curvature becomes infinite.[54] For a non-rotating black hole, this region takes the shape of a single point and for a rotating black hole, it is smeared out to form a ring singularity lying in the plane of rotation.[55] In both cases, the singular region has zero volume. It can also be shown that the singular region contains all the mass of the black hole solution.[56] The singular region can thus be thought of as having infinite density.”
“the life-impulse reaches A, or rather that which is destined to become A, and which so far is but cosmic dust (a “laya centre”) . . etc.’ ” SD1 67.
“When a planetary chain is in its last Round, its Globe 1 or A, before finally dying out, sends all its energy and “principles” into a neutral centre of latent force, a “laya centre,” and thereby informs a new nucleus of undifferentiated substance or matter, i.e., calls it into activity or gives it life.” SD1 55.
“Mr. Keely, of Philadelphia, was, and still is, at the threshold of some of the greatest secrets of the Universe; of that chiefly on which is built the whole mystery of physical Forces.” … It is the positive pole that acts in the manifested world of matter, while the negative is lost in the unknowable absoluteness of SAT — “Be-ness.”SD1 556.
JC: Here we are told that a laya centre, an ‘inter-etheric point’ or black hole force centre is negative in its polarity whilst the ‘world of matter’ is positively polarised. This gives us the electrical direction and interplay, and polarity of such inter etheric points scientifically seen as singularities. It is the horizon or scientific ‘event horizon’ that is the point from fifth plane gaseous to fourth subplane etheric or super gaseous and the point or level via which one crosses into the other.
Keely… “All structures require a foundation in strength according to the weight of the mass they have to carry, but the foundations of the universe rest on a vacuous point far more minute than a molecule; in fact, to express this truth properly, on an inter-etheric point, which requires an infinite mind to understand it. To look down into the depths of an etheric centre is precisely the same as it would be to search into the broad space of heaven’s ether to find the end, with this difference: that one is the positive field, while the other is the negative field . . . .” SD1 557.
JC: Scientists currently ponder what lays behind a black hole or etheric centre. Our thoughts will do well to ponder the crossover of from gaseous to super gaseous/etheric states. This crossover has a name used by science which is the event horizon.
“This, as easily seen, is precisely the Eastern doctrine. His inter-etheric point is the laya-point of the Occultists, which, however, does not require “an infinite mind to understand it,” but only a specific intuition and ability to trace its hiding-place in this world of matter. Of course, the laya centre cannot be produced, but an inter-etheric vacuum can — as proved in the production of bell-sounds in space. Mr. Keely speaks as an unconscious Occultist, nevertheless, when he remarks in his theory of planetary suspension:–
JC: We are told that an inter etheric vacuum can be produced. This could be contrasted with the Tibetan advising that it is possible for the human to tap directly into the ethers for vitality. Below Keely illustrates the facts on inter etheric points as ‘atomic neutral centres’. All atoms and planets have such negative centres or etheric centres, and have then their own ‘black hole’ as science recognises all galaxies and stars have. These larger centres are seen through the gravitational bending or ‘lensing’ of light. They are the attractive power that powers all planets and systems. They are the ‘missing mass’ of the solar systems and that which sub-stands all matter manifestation. In many ways the missing mass of the planetary logos force or attractive energy.
Here is illustrated that nature of “rotating etheric centres” and we must recall that science recognises black holes as having rotation i.e. its “inconceivable velocity of rotation”. Gravitational attraction must therefore have a close connection to electromagnetic force being the properties of physical phenomena and tamasic or “inert motion” and relative “heavy rhythm” of the third aspect. There is a purposeful reason for the gas jets in that the black hole or force centre of the galaxy or star appears to attract and repulse and as discussed in the Secret Doctrine as “attractive or magnetic, the elective or propulsive”. These two electrical polar oppostes hold and produce in exact balance all the power and energy that is required to maintain the function, rotation, orbit and life evolution of any planet, sun or constellation of suns and galaxies. Black holes or laya centres have not been seen directly but only the physical and phenomenal effects produced around them.
Simulated view of a black hole (center) in front of the Large Magellanic Cloud. Note the gravitational lensing effect, which produces two enlarged but highly distorted views of the Cloud. Across the top, the Milky Way disk appears distorted into an arc.
The law of attraction and of repulsion stabilises and regulates the time and space distances between locations of stars, planets and solar material. Here we hypothetically see the law of attraction and repulsion in activity as the gravitational field influence and electromagnetic field influence of a super-massive black hole force centre. wikipedia.
Its noted that that “Repulsion is brought about by rotary action” and we must equate the rotary action of a super-massive black hole/force centre, currently theorises as “a sort of spinning magnet” and here seen as the source of all “momentum” and rotary motion. A so called ‘charged singularity’ or black hole occultly understood as a zero point or force centre has such momentum and rotary motion whilst an ‘uncharged’ one has none. It is the ultra powerful gravitational attraction of a singularity that is seen as the point of greatest denseness or compression of all matter into the black hole and that point from which black hole ‘jets’ and gamma rays are ejected. The is parallel to the exterior/interior dilation of the seven rays and reabsorbtion of the life of the physical sun and system of schemes back into the negative laya centre at the close of the solar manvantara.
“when the “Heavens will melt with fervent heat,” and the Sun becomes seven suns. (See S. D., II, 746, 747.)
“when it has absorbed the life essence of the fully evolved planes, and of the planetary schemes thereon.” TCF 741.
An ultra massive black hole/laya centre.
a galaxy cluster named RX J1532.9+3021 (RX J1532 for short), located about 3.9 billion light years from Earth. The image here is a composite of X-ray data from Chandra revealing hot gas in the cluster in purple and optical data from the Hubble Space Telescope showing galaxies in yellow. The cluster is very bright in X-rays implying that it is extremely massive, with a mass about a quadrillion – a thousand trillion – times that of the sun. At the center of the cluster is a large elliptical galaxy containing the supermassive black hole.
JC: ‘Becomes seven suns’ is reference to the sevenfold nature of a laya centre or black hole. It holds within, so to speak, the zero point or singularity, seven neutral centres of the seven planes that hold the seven principles of the planet or star or galaxy.
“As regards planetary volume, we would ask in a scientific point of view, How can the immense difference of volume in the planets exist without disorganising the harmonious action that has always characterised them? I can only answer this question properly by entering into a progressive analysis, starting on the rotating etheric centres that were fixed by the Creator* with their attractive or accumulative power. If you ask what power it is that gives to each etheric atom its inconceivable velocity of rotation (or introductory impulse), I must answer that no finite mind will ever be able to conceive what it is. The philosophy of accumulation is the only proof that such a power has been given. The area, if we can so speak, of such an atom, presents to the attractive or magnetic, the elective or propulsive, all the receptive force and all the antagonistic force that characterises a planet of the largest magnitude; consequently, as the accumulation goes on, the perfect equation remains the same. When this minute centre has once been fixed, the power to rend it from its position would necessarily have to be so great as to displace the most immense planet that exists. When this atomic neutral centre is displaced, the planet must go with it. The neutral centre carries the full load of any accumulation from the start, and remains the same, for ever balanced in the eternal space.”
Mr. Keely illustrates his idea of “a neutral centre” in this way:–
“We will imagine that, after an accumulation of a planet of any diameter, say, 20,000 miles, more or less, for the size has nothing to do with the problem; there should be a displacement of all the material, with the exception of a crust 5,000 miles thick, leaving an intervening void between this crust and a centre of the size of an ordinary billiard ball, it would then require a force as great to move this small central mass as it would to move the shell of 5,000 miles thickness. Moreover, this small central mass would carry the load of this crust for ever, keeping it equidistant; and there could be no opposing power, however great, that could bring them together. The imagination staggers in contemplating the immense load which bears upon this point of centre, where weight ceases. . . . This is what we understand by a neutral centre.”
And what Occultists understand by a “laya centre.”
The above is pronounced “unscientific” by many. But so is everything that is not sanctioned and kept on strictly orthodox lines by physical science. SD1 557.
“…have started from the same neutral centre of Life and both have to re-merge into it at the consummation of the cycle.” SD2 261. JC: having analogy to and reference to the process of production and absorbtion of matter via an event horizon or point from fifth plane gaseous to fourth subplane etheric or super gaseous and the point or level via which one crosses into the other.
“it teaches a cyclic law, a double stream of force (or spirit) and of matter, which, starting from the neutral centre of Being.” SD2 731. JC: An intriguing analogy to the gravitational and electromagnetic interplay of a black hole.
“We are forced to admit that between these two planes of matter an incessant circulation takes place; and if we follow the atoms and molecules of (say) the lower in their transformation upwards, these will come to a point where they pass altogether beyond the range of the faculties we are using on the lower plane. In fact, to us the matter of the lower plane there vanishes from our perception into nothing — or rather it passes on to the higher plane, and the state of matter corresponding to such a point of transition must certainly possess special and not readily discoverable properties. Such “Seven Neutral Centres,”* then, are produced by Fohat, who, when, as Milton has it — “Fair foundations (are) laid whereon to build . . .” quickens matter into activity and evolution. SD1 148.
“The chemist goes to the laya or zero point of the plane of matter with which he deals, and then stops short. The physicist or the astronomer counts by billions of miles beyond the nebulae, and then they also stop short; the semi-initiated Occultist will represent this laya-point to himself as existing on some plane which, if not physical, is still conceivable to the human intellect. But the full Initiate knows that the ring “Pass-Not” is neither a locality nor can it be measured by distance, but that it exists in the absoluteness of infinity. In this “Infinity” of the full Initiate there is neither height, breadth nor thickness, but all is fathomless profundity, reaching down from the physical to the “para-para-metaphysical.” In using the word “down,” essential depth — “nowhere and everywhere” — is meant, not depth of physical matter.” SD1 131.
Gravitational field
In physics, a gravitational field is a model used to explain the influence that a massive body extends into the space around itself, producing a force on another massive body. Thus, a gravitational field is used to explain gravitational phenomena, and is measured in newtons per kilogram (N/kg). In its original concept, gravity was a force between point masses. Following Newton, Laplace attempted to model gravity as some kind of radiation field or fluid, and since the 19th century explanations for gravity have usually been sought in terms of a field model, rather than a point attraction.
In a field model, rather than two particles attracting each other, the particles distort spacetime via their mass, and this distortion is what is perceived and measured as a “force”. In such a model one states that matter moves in certain ways in response to the curvature of spacetime,[1] and that there is either no gravitational force,[2] or that gravity is a fictitious force.
Fictitious forces and work
Fictitious forces can be considered to do work, provided that they move an object on a trajectory that changes its energy from potential to kinetic. For example, consider a person in a rotating chair holding a weight in his outstretched arm. If he pulls his arm inward, from the perspective of his rotating reference frame he has done work against centrifugal force. If he now lets go of the weight, from his perspective it spontaneously flies outward, because centrifugal force has done work on the object, converting its potential energy into kinetic. From an inertial viewpoint, of course, the object flies away from him because it is suddenly allowed to move in a straight line. This illustrates that the work done, like the total potential and kinetic energy of an object, can be different in a non-inertial frame than an inertial one.
See also: Centrifugal force, Reactive centrifugal force and Coriolis force
Gravity as a fictitious force
The notion of “fictitious force” comes up in general relativity.[15][16] All fictitious forces are proportional to the mass of the object upon which they act, which is also true for gravity.[17] This led Albert Einstein to wonder whether gravity was a fictitious force as well. He noted that a freefalling observer in a closed box would not be able to detect the force of gravity; hence, freefalling reference frames are equivalent to an inertial reference frame (the equivalence principle). Following up on this insight, Einstein was able to formulate a theory with gravity as a fictitious force; attributing the apparent acceleration of gravity to the curvature of spacetime. This idea underlies Einstein’s theory of general relativity.
General relativity
General relativity, or the general theory of relativity, is the geometric theory of gravitation published by Albert Einstein in 1916[1] and the current description of gravitation in modern physics. General relativity generalizes special relativity and Newton’s law of universal gravitation, providing a unified description of gravity as a geometric property of space and time, or spacetime. In particular, the curvature of spacetime is directly related to the energy and momentum of whatever matter and radiation are present. The relation is specified by the Einstein field equations, a system of partial differential equations.
JPC: Axial spin as ‘rotary movement’ produces repulsion from other bodies of mass also in such rotation or spin. Science understands this as producing gravitation and gravity waves. Due to the almost non existent and vastly reduced axial rotation of the moon its substance and chemical composition is in part attractive to the earth and thus is transferred all that is occultly liable inclusive of proportional amounts of isotopes.
Gravity is the effect of the attraction of the planetary entity the Spirit of the earth, or of any other planet, star, or galaxy etc, drawing all things “back to the earth” or back to its central itself. Thus according to the gravitational pull of the entity relative to its physical planetary size and mass, so is the shape and lines of human form taken accordingly. This applies also to the formation of all the forms in the lower kingdoms.
DK places the effect of or the force of gravity to extend from two sources one being the ‘spirit of the earth’ as it conditions all the tamasic and material forms of the planet. He also attributes gravity to the ‘planetary logos’. He gives more detail re the earth spirit in relation to the hold over the denser forms of the earth. We must here note that the effect of gravity is produced on all solid objects equally, irrespective of shape size and mass within the field radiation area of a given planet, for instance our planet. Each physical globe will produce its own unique gravitational field as previously illustrated.
All planetary masses are special or relative to their own composition and many planets are not dense or solid but are gaseous and stars are plasma/atomic nuclear reaction, and each still irrespective of size, mass and density have a gravitational field. How then if they do not have a ‘spirit of the earth’ do they have gravitation. They of course have a logos that in their own high place hold their body of manifestation together almost perpetually drawing the atomic and sub atomic particles into a coherent whole resulting in their pranic emanation and fire by friction into their system.
Each globe or star or galaxy produces this gravitational field that encompasses it much like a planetary aura of prana and vitality sustaining even the smallest flying insects and macrobiotic life that exists in its highest and thinnest atmosphere. Gravity is clearly allied to the great law of attraction and repulsion equalising and maintaining the respective distances between planets and stars within their respective systems. It is the great law of the Parabrama, the Absolute.
The so called ‘curvature of space time’ recognises the gravitation field or effect of this attractive force that bends light as it passes within the gravitational field of a star as originally realised by Henry Cavendish in 1784 and Johann Georg von Soldner in 1801. Einstein however, became the first to calculate the correct value for the curvature of light in this regard. Not all light is however attracted within the planetary sphere.
Light is a particle/wave of energy known as a photon of energy which is electromagnetic radiation and is the material or form/matter and a “physical phenomena” of the second ether and as such has mass and is subject to gravitational attraction within a field of gravitation producing a relative curvature [a sling shot effect crudely put] according to the proportional strength of gravity exerted on the photo electron within time and space. Planets receive and distribute light according to solar and planetary requirements and in specific proportions governed by the Solar Logos and administered by the planetary logos according to evolutionary necessity.
The notion of ‘no gravitational force’ or that it is a ‘fictitious force’ and that it is the curvature of space time alone in ‘general relativity‘ that is the cause of light curvature around a star [‘deflection of starlight by the Sun’] accounts for none of the above. However, we must keep in mind the natural rotary motion of matter, the rotation of the spheres of the solar system, constellations and the entire vault of heaven, being spherical, indicates the circular activity of all matter and the coming under of spiral cyclic motion as it is influenced by spirit.
It is though, important to keep in mind that light travels via and uses as a medium the second ether and as such a light photon uses the etheric nadis for transmission and for our purposes travels as a beam of light, a wave with a specific frequency and speed and from one point to another in straight line trajectories though undulating wavelike, being the shortest and most efficient use of distance in time and space.
A photon is considered as having no mass due to its light speed however this is contradicted by its measured deflection and curvature by a strong gravitational field as measured in curvature of space time. Outside of a strong gravitational field it exhibits no curvature or deflection of its direction. Light has force and can exert pressure on an object thus a photon though near massless must have minute mass and in grouped form display greater mass or “greater accumulative force”. Light as photons exert their own gravitational attraction on other objects. Gravitational attraction must therefore have a close connection to electromagnetic force being the properties of physical phenomena and tamasic or “inert motion” and relative “heavy rhythm” of the third aspect.
“All physical phenomena as we understand the term have an electrical origin, and an initial vibration on the first subplane of the physical plane.
2. That Light, physical plane light, has a close connection with, and uses, as a medium, the second ether.
3. That sound functions through the third ether.
4. That color in a peculiar sense is allied to the fourth ether.” TCF 320.
“The Law of Gravitation. This law is for the non-occult student the most puzzling and confusing of all the laws. It shows itself in one aspect as the power, and the stronger urge that a more vital life may have upon the lesser, such as the power of the spirit of the Earth (the planetary Entity, not the planetary Logos) to hold all physical forms to itself and prevent their “scattering.” This is due to the heavier vibration, the greater accumulative force, and the aggregated tamasic lives of the body of the planetary Entity. This force works upon the negative, or lowest, aspect of all physical forms.” TCF 1172.
“Gravity is the dominant force at the macroscopic scale, that is the cause of the formation, shape, and trajectory (orbit) of astronomical bodies, including those of asteroids, comets, planets, stars, and galaxies. It is responsible for causing the Earth and the other planets to orbit the Sun; for causing the Moon to orbit the Earth; for the formation of tides; for natural convection, by which fluid flow occurs under the influence of a density gradient and gravity; for heating the interiors of forming stars and planets to very high temperatures; for solar system, galaxy, stellar formation and evolution; and for various other phenomena observed on Earth and throughout the universe. This is the case for several reasons: gravity is the only force acting on all particles with mass; it has an infinite range; always attractive and never repulsive; and cannot be absorbed, transformed, or shielded against.” wikipedia.