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Esoteric Astrology


“Know thyself, for in thyself is all there is to know.”

The study of Esoteric Astrology helps us to “know thyself,” as the inscription on the temple at Delphi advises us to do. It is a study of the basic energies that are unseen, but nevertheless comprise the person we are. It includes astrological energies that make up our soul, personality, and our personality vehicles of expression (physical, astral, and mental bodies).

Exoteric Astrology is the more traditional astrology we may be more familiar with, and describes our outer, personality-based lives; it focuses around our Sun sign and describes other planetary roles that impact our everyday lives. Esoteric Astrology, on the other hand, helps us understand the energies of our inner, spiritual self. The Ascendant, or rising sign, indicates our soul purpose and shows us how we might be able to use the planets in our natal chart to help fulfill that higher, soul purpose. “It is as though God had pictured in space his Plan for the working out of the evolution of the human spirit back to its source.” (The Labours of Hercules, An Astrological Interpretation, by Alice Bailey, p. 205)

There is a definite link between the myth of Hercules and the astrological signs. By combining the astrological and symbolic story, the lessons of everyday life of a disciple are shown to us. Each sign subjects the disciple to influences of distinctive energies and provides him with certain tendencies. Once these are understood, the meaning of the tests that Hercules faced becomes clear. [1]

There is a natural progression of lessons through the astrological signs. In the first four signs, considered the preparatory signs, a person is equipped with the faculty of mind in Aries, with desire in Taurus, arrives at his essential duality in Gemini, and enters the Human Kingdom in Cancer. The four signs of physical plane struggle come next, where self-consciousness and individualism emerge in Leo, nurturing of the Christ within occurs in Virgo, Libra teaches how to balance the pairs of opposites, and the lesson of Scorpio is overcoming illusion. Finally, the last four signs are ones of achievement, going straight for the goal in Sagittarius, scaling the mountain of initiation in Capricorn, becoming the world server in Aquarius and the world savior in Pisces.[2]

Following the progress of Hercules from the mental plane, through the emotional plane, and out into physical plane manifestation shows us the work all of us must eventually do. It takes many lifetimes, is tedious work, and is carried out under great difficulties. Often it is done in blind ignorance of the astrological forces released and of the results that are to be achieved. But step by step we are led along the path of self-knowledge and development. Our character and nature are tested repeatedly until the characteristics of our outer personality can be transmuted into qualities that revealing the soul.[3] “What is the soul, O Teacher? Tell me truth,” asks Hercules. “That soul of yours, you shall discover as you do your task, and find and use the nature which is yours,” his teacher replies.[4]

Esoteric Astrology References for further study:

  1. Esoteric Astrology has been written about by several authors, but our main body of reference are the series of books written by Alice Bailey, including The Labours of Hercules, An Astrological Interpretation; and the five-volume set, A Treatise on the Seven Rays (Vol I—Esoteric Psychology, Vol II—Esoteric Psychology, Vol III—Esoteric Astrology, Vol IV—Esoteric Healing, Vol V, The Rays and the Initiations).
  2. Tapestry of the Gods, Volume III, by Michael Robbins is available online at:


  1. Morya Federation webinars on Esoteric Astrology and the Labors of Hercules can be found at:


  1. Articles discussing each astrological sign prepared and beautifully illustrated by Francis Donald.  Links to these articles can be found below, within the explanatory text for each sign of the Zodiac.

[1] paraphrased from Labours of Hercules, p. 14 [2] paraphrased from Labours of Hercules, p. 81-82 [3] paraphrased from Labours of Hercules, p. 225 and 229 [4] paraphrased from Labours of Hercules, p. 14


Signs of the Zodiac

Use the links below to access a brief description for each Sign, plus references from Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey. 

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(Esoteric Astrology, pages 91-114):

“The keynotes of the sign Aries are four in number, all conveying the same idea. They can be expressed in the following four injunctions, symbolically given to the incarnating soul:

  1. Express the will to be and do.
  2. Unfold the power to manifest.
  3. Enter into battle for the Lord.
  4. Arrive at unity through effort.

Creation-Being-Activity-Strife-Synthesis, these are the nature of the Lord of the first constellation and enable Him to influence our planet to these results.” (Esoteric Astrology p.93)

Ruling planets (paraphrased from the Full Moon meditations by Michael Robbins): Exoterically ruled by Mars (the planet of all warriors), conveys fortitude and the will-to-fight for a high ideal.  It bestows spiritual courage and undying fiery aspiration for fusion with Divinity and for the successful manifestation of the Divine Ideal embodied in the Divine Plan. Esoterically ruled by Mercury (the planet of transcendental mind), conveys the power to apprehend the archetypal idea and destroy illusion through fiery mental process.  It is able to stimulate the intuitive understanding of imminent developments within the precipitating Divine Plan.  Mercury supports Aries as the birthplace of ideas, and is a transmitter of new ideas, serving as the bridge between the archetypal worlds and the worlds of form. Hierarchically ruled by Uranus (the Great Father and home of Electric Fire), conveying fire of pure will for the ultimate vivification of the entire human energy system through the linking to the World of Being.  It bestows the inspiration for the total transformation and renewal of the individual and group personality, and is the power that enables the initiate to tread the final burning ground, thus overcoming the illusion of time and space, establishing in consciousness the reality of synthesis.

Rays: Ray 1, Will and Power; Ray 7, Order and Ceremonial Magic

Mantram:  I come forth, and from the plane of mind, I rule.

Light: “The Light of Life Itself. This is the dim point of light found at the centre of the cycle of manifestation, faint and flickering. It is the “searchlight of the Logos, seeking that which can be used‟ for divine expression.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 329)

The Festival of Easter: This is the Festival of the risen, living Christ, the Teacher of all men and the Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy. He is the Expression of the love of God. On this day the spiritual Hierarchy, which He guides and directs, will be recognised and the nature of God’s love will be emphasised. This Festival is determined always by the date of the first Full Moon of spring and is the great Western and Christian Festival.: (The Reappearance of the Christ, p. 155)

For more information, please read the Aries Discussion prepared by Francis Donald: Aries – Evocative Images and Esoteric Teachings

Or see Tapestry of the Gods, Volume III, by Michael Robbins available online at: http://www.makara.us/04mdr/01writing/03tg/vol3intro/03_eec_toc.htm

      Read the Aries Chapter of the Labors of Hercules

Michael Robbins has published extensive commentaries on Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey. They are available online at:http://www.makara.us/04mdr/webinars/esotericastrology.htm

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(Esoteric Astrology, pages 370 – 404):

Taurus is the symbol of desire in all its phases. Whether the man is impelled by desire (the personality), driven forth upon the path of the disciple by the urge of aspiration (the soul), or controlled by the will to cooperate with the Divine Plan (an initiate, a channel for Spirit), he is being responsive to the most potent manifestation of a little known and understood aspect of divinity, the Will of God. Will, power, desire, aspiration, ambition, motive, purpose, impulse, incentive, plan—all these are words which attempt to express one of the major underlying attributes and fundamental causes of manifestation, of the evolutionary processes and of the will-to-be or the will-to-live. These are the threefold expression underlying all events, all progress and all happenings in time and space. (paraphrased from Esoteric Astrology, p. 370)

“In Taurus—Desire is transmuted into aspiration, darkness gives place to light and illumination, the eye of the Bull is opened which is the spiritual third eye, or the ‘single eye’ of the New Testament. ‘If thine eye be single,’ said the Christ, ‘thy whole body shall be full of light.’ This single eye takes the place of the two eyes of the personal self. The attention of the man becomes focussed upon spiritual attainment. He treads the Path of Discipleship.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 143)

Ruling planets (paraphrased from the Full Moon meditations by Michael Robbins): Exoterically ruled by Venus, conveying the light and love of the soul, illuminating the consciousness with Love-Wisdom and stimulating higher mind so it may be sensitive to Buddhi. Esoterically and Hierarchically ruled by Vulcan, conveying both the will of the soul and the greater spiritual will of the atmic plane. Esoterically, Vulcan is the power of the soul to grip the personality and bend it to the soul’s will. Hierarchically, Vulcan is the spiritual will atma, the highest aspect of the Spiritual Triad.

Ray: Ray 4, Harmony through Conflict

Mantram: I see, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined.

Light: “The penetrating Light of the Path. This is a beam of light, streaming forth from the point in Aries, and revealing the area of light control.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 329)

The Festival of Wesak. This is the Festival of the Buddha, the spiritual Intermediary between the highest spiritual centre, Shamballa, and the Hierarchy. The Buddha is the expression of the wisdom of God, the Embodiment of Light and the Indicator of the divine purpose. This will be fixed annually in relation to the Full Moon of May, as is at present the case. It is the great Eastern Festival. (The Reappearance of the Christ, p. 155)

For more information, please read the Taurus Discussion prepared by Francis Donald: Taurus – Evocative Images and Esoteric Teachings

Or see Tapestry of the Gods, Volume III, by Michael Robbins available online at: http://www.makara.us/04mdr/01writing/03tg/vol3intro/03_eec_toc.htm

       Read the Taurus Chapter of the Labors of Hercules

Michael Robbins has published extensive commentaries on Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey. They are available online at:http://www.makara.us/04mdr/webinars/esotericastrology.htm

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(Esoteric Astrology, pages 343 – 370):

For average man, Gemini is the experience of the pairs of opposites, with pronounced and separative duality. It is the interplay between the twins, soul and form nature. But for a disciple, Gemini becomes the fusion of the opposites, the intelligent work of at-one-ment or synthesis. (paraphrased from Esoteric Astrology, p. 151-152) “The man . . . in Gemini becomes increasingly aware of the intuition and increasingly under the influence of ‘the Brothers who live in the Light,’ as the Twins are sometimes called. The light of the personality dims and the light of the soul waxes.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 120)

Ruling planets (paraphrased from the Full Moon meditations by Michael Robbins): Exoterically ruled by Mercury, conveying the ability to recognize and relate all the many pairs of opposites until a vision of unified wholeness is achieved. Esoterically ruled by Venus, conveying the power to unite and fuse the pairs of opposites, soul and personality, until the transmutation, transformation, and transfiguration that the Solar Angel intends to induce within the personality has been achieved. Hierarchically ruled by the Earth, the field of service.

Ray: Ray 2, Love-Wisdom

Mantram: I recognize my other self, and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow.

Light: “The Light of Interplay. This is a line of light beams, revealing that which opposes or the basic duality of manifestation, the relationship of spirit and of form. It is the conscious light of that relationship.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 329)

The Festival of Goodwill. This will be the Festival of the spirit of humanity—aspiring towards God, seeking conformity with the will of God and dedicated to the expression of right human relation. This will be fixed annually in relation to the Full Moon of June. It will be a day whereon the spiritual and divine nature of mankind will be recognised. On this Festival for two thousand years the Christ has represented humanity and has stood before the Hierarchy and in the sight of Shamballa as the God-Man, the leader of His people and “the Eldest in a great family of brothers” (Romans VIII.29). Each year at that time He has preached the last sermon of the Buddha, before the assembled Hierarchy. This will, therefore, be a festival of deep invocation and appeal, of a basic aspiration towards fellowship, of human and spiritual unity, and will represent the effect in the human consciousness of the work of the Buddha and of the Christ. (The Reappearance of the Christ, p. 155)

For more information, please read the Gemini Discussion prepared by Francis Donald: Gemini – Evocative Images and Esoteric Teachings

Or see Tapestry of the Gods, Volume III, by Michael Robbins available online at: http://www.makara.us/04mdr/01writing/03tg/vol3intro/03_eec_toc.htm

      Read the Gemini Chapter of the Labors of Hercules

Michael Robbins has published extensive commentaries on Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey. They are available online at:http://www.makara.us/04mdr/webinars/esotericastrology.htm

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(Esoteric Astrology, pages 311 – 343):

“Cancer, the ‘birthplace into the life of form,’ the door into physical incarnation. This is the sign in which humanity, as a whole integrated unit, is born, the scene of the emergence of the fourth kingdom in nature. Humanity has ‘emerged from rock and water and brings its habitation with it’ (as the Old Commentary expresses it) and mass instinctual consciousness comes into being. Note that phrase.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 102) “The polar opposite to Capricorn is Cancer and, as you have been taught, these two signs are the two great Gates of the zodiac—one opening the door into incarnation, into mass life, and into human experience, whilst the other opens the door into the life of the spirit, into the life of the Kingdom of God, the life and purposes of the Hierarchy of our planet. Cancer admits the soul into the world centre which we call Humanity. Capricorn admits the soul into conscious participation in the life of that world centre which we call the Hierarchy.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 169)

Ruling planets (paraphrased from the Full Moon meditations by Michael Robbins): Exoterically ruled by the Moon (veiling Vulcan, Neptune, or Uranus; representing the prison of the soul). The Moon is “the Mother of the Form” and conveys the ability to build the form (three personality vehicles, physical-etheric, astral, and mental bodies) in such a way that they prove fit vehicles to contain and radiate the Light and Love of the Soul. (Vulcan builds the physical-etheric body, Neptune builds the astral body, Uranus builds the mental body.) Esoterically and Hierarchically ruled by Neptune, first opening the emotional nature to the influences of love and compassion; and later imbuing the consciousness with buddhi/intuition and the power of realization and identification of one-ness with all.

Rays: Ray 3, Active Intelligence; Ray 7, Order and Ceremonial Magic

Mantram: I build a lighted house and therein dwell.

Light: “The Light within the form. This is the diffused light of substance itself, the “dark light” of matter, referred to in The Secret Doctrine. It is the light awaiting the stimulation coming from the soul light.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 329)

For more information, please read the Cancer Discussion prepared by Francis Donald: Cancer – Evocative Images and Esoteric Teachings

Or see Tapestry of the Gods, Volume III, by Michael Robbins available online at: http://www.makara.us/04mdr/01writing/03tg/vol3intro/03_eec_toc.htm

       Read the Cancer Chapter of the Labors of Hercules

Michael Robbins has published extensive commentaries on Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey. They are available online at:http://www.makara.us/04mdr/webinars/esotericastrology.htm

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(Esoteric Astrology, pages 285 – 311):

“In Leo, a man’s centre and point of consciousness is himself; he turns upon himself and revolves entirely upon his own axis and in respect and relation to himself, and is all the time the self-centred individual, consecrating all thought, time and service to his own well being and personal interests . . . . In Leo, the self centred man becomes eventually the soul in life expression and focussed on the achievement of the spiritual goal of selflessness.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 142-143)

Ruling planets (paraphrased from the Full Moon meditations by Michael Robbins): Exoterically, Esoterically, and Hierarchically ruled by the Sun, the great symbol of microcosmic and macrocosmic identity on three levels (the personal self, the individual or egoic Self, and the Spirit or monadic Self). The Sun, esoterically veiling Neptune, conveys the power to experience the solar flames focused within the Heart of the Sun (compassion and selfless love; Divine Love). The Sun, hierarchically veiling Uranus, conveys the will of the Solar Logos through the Spiritual Triad into the Jewel in the Lotus at the center of the Egoic Lotus.

Rays: Ray 1, Will and Power; Ray 5, Concrete Knowledge and Science

Mantram: I am That, and That am I.

Light: “The Light of the Soul. A reflected point of light logoic, or divine. The light diffused in Cancer focusses and reveals eventually a point.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 329)

Festival of Sirius: August, which is ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog-star, Sirius, bringing Sirius into close relation to Leo. Leo also is in a unique relationship to the Sun at the heart of our solar system, so the planetary and systemic alignment that occurs each year at the Leo Full Moon is celebrated accordingly as a festival of heart/soul alignment. The heart of our planet (the Hierarchy) and the Heart of our Sun create a channel extending to Sirius, the home of that Great White Lodge which Masters belong. (paraphrased from Esoteric Astrology, p.299)

For more information, please read the Leo Discussion prepared by Francis Donald: Leo – Evocative Images and Esoteric Teachings

Or see Tapestry of the Gods, Volume III, by Michael Robbins available online at: http://www.makara.us/04mdr/01writing/03tg/vol3intro/03_eec_toc.htm

       Read the Leo Chapter of the Labors of Hercules

Michael Robbins has published extensive commentaries on Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey. They are available online at:http://www.makara.us/04mdr/webinars/esotericastrology.htm

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(Esoteric Astrology, pages 251 – 285):

“In Virgo, the man who was fluid in Pisces and emotionally selfish and full of desire in Sagittarius, begins to focus still more intently and to reason and think. The latent soul is becoming interiorly active; a germination process is proceeding; the hidden man is making his presence felt. The intellect is awakening and instinct—after passing through the emotional stage—is being transmuted into intellect.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 118-119) “The mind, under the influence of Virgo, which has been analytical and critical, changes to that quality of mind which is best described by the words, illumination and revelation. The Christ to whom the Virgin must eventually give birth is recognised as present in the womb, though not yet born. Life is recognised. The process of the revelation of the Christ consciousness is carried intelligently forward and the selfish aspirations and experiments of the undeveloped man give place to the selflessness of the illumined and intuitive disciple. (Esoteric Astrology, p. 120)

Ruling planets (paraphrased from the Full Moon meditations by Michael Robbins): Exoterically ruled by Mercury, conveying the acute ability to focus the mind analytically so the Christ-Principle is born in the Heart with full intelligence. Esoterically ruled by the Moon—the three-fold form (mental, astral, and physical bodies)—veiling Vulcan and Neptune, conveys endurance in the process of nurturing and birthing the Christ Consciousness, and restoring the three-fold form to its divine purity. Hierarchically ruled by Jupiter, suggesting the consummated expansion of the Christ-Principle as it rises from the buddhic plane to the monadic plane, where Spirit is found.

Rays: Ray 2, Love-Wisdom; Ray 6, Idealism and Devotion

Mantram: I am the Mother and the Child, I, God, I Matter am.

Light: “The blended dual Light. Two lights are seen—bright and strong, the light of form; one faint and dim, the light of God. This light is distinguished by a waxing of one and the waning of the other. It differs from the light in Gemini.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 329)

For more information, please read the Virgo Discussion prepared by Francis Donald:  Virgo – Evocative Images and Esoteric Teachings

Or see Tapestry of the Gods, Volume III, by Michael Robbins available online at: http://www.makara.us/04mdr/01writing/03tg/vol3intro/03_eec_toc.htm

       Read the Virgo Chapter of the Labors of Hercules

Michael Robbins has published extensive commentaries on Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey. They are available online at:http://www.makara.us/04mdr/webinars/esotericastrology.htm

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(Esoteric Astrology, pages 226 – 251):

Libra is a sign of intuitive perception, at first instinctive self-preservation that is aroused to such an extent in ordinary man that he calls to the soul and evokes a response, as the first few flashes of intuition are recognized. It might be regarded as the sign in which the first real vision of the Path appears and of the goal towards which the disciple must ultimately direct his steps. Then follows the experience in Libra of a quiet life in thoughtful reflection, of developing a sense of values and the power to rightly use the analytical faculty of the mind. It becomes a life of balancing, of weighing this and that, and of determining which way the scales shall fall. (paraphrased from Esoteric Astrology, p. 227-228) “Libra.—The Crisis of Balance. The emergence of the sense of self-direction and equilibrium. It is the point of equilibrium between soul and form. It signifies the emergence of free choice. It is consciousness of duality and the effort to balance the two.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 265) Libra admits the soul into the world centre which we call Shamballa, for it is the polar opposite of Aries which is the place of beginnings. Libra demonstrates the perfect balance of spirit and matter which first came together in Aries. This balance and this relation of the great opposites, spirit and matter, is symbolised for us in the personality situation of balancing the pairs of opposites on the astral plane, and finding between them the “narrow razor-edged path” which leads the man into the kingdom of the soul.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 265)

Ruling planets (paraphrased from the Full Moon meditations by Michael Robbins): Exoterically ruled by Venus, conveying the decisive emergence of soul values balanced wisely with personality necessities. Venus fortifies the loving influence of the Solar Angel, magnetizing the personality towards the soul and leads to the “Divine Marriage” of the personality and soul. Esoterically ruled by Uranus, conveying the power to relate with archetypal authenticity. It brings new forms of group activity, a new social order based on archetypal relations, and fresh modes of human cooperation. Hierarchically ruled by Saturn, suggesting the consummation of karma in justice and beauty. Saturn expresses the nature of Divine Law, the spiritual will emanating from the atmic plane, and works out as the lawful balancing of karmic imbalances and the relation of this balancing to the just and harmonious expression of the Divine Plan.

Ray: Ray 3, Active Intelligence

Mantram: I chose the way which leads between the two great lines of force.

Light: “The Light that moves to rest. This is the light that oscillates until a point of balance is achieved. It is the light which is distinguished by a moving up and down.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 330)

For more information, please read the Libra Discussion prepared by Francis Donald: Libra – Evocative Images and Esoteric Teachings

Or see Tapestry of the Gods, Volume III, by Michael Robbins available online at: http://www.makara.us/04mdr/01writing/03tg/vol3intro/03_eec_toc.htm

       Read the Libra Chapter of the Labors of Hercules

Michael Robbins has published extensive commentaries on Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey. They are available online at:http://www.makara.us/04mdr/webinars/esotericastrology.htm

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(Esoteric Astrology, pages 193 – 226):

“In this sign, the disciple undergoes those tests which will enable him to take the second initiation and demonstrate that the desire nature is subdued and conquered and that the lower nature is (by being lifted up in the air, i.e. into heaven) capable of reaching the goal for this world period, and that from the earthy foundations of Scorpio the personality can be so tested that it shows fitness for the world service demanded in Aquarius. This is beautifully expressed for us in the legend of Hercules, the Sun-God who overcomes the nine-headed Hydra or serpent of desire by being forced to his knees and from that position of humility lifts up the serpent into the air, and then deliverance comes.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 143) “The task assigned to Hercules had nine facets. Each head of the hydra represents one of the problems that beset the courageous person who seeks to achieve mastery of himself. Three of these heads symbolize the appetites associated with sex, comfort and money. The second triune group concerns the passions of fear, hatred and desire for power. The last three heads represent the vices of the unillumined mind: pride, separativeness and cruelty. The dimensions of the task which Hercules undertook are thus plainly apparent. He had to learn the art of transmuting the energies that so frequently precipitate human beings into catastrophic tragedies. The nine forces which have wrought unspeakable havoc among the sons of men since the beginning of time had to be redirected and transmuted.” (Labours of Hercules, p. 144)

Ruling planets (paraphrased from the Full Moon meditations by Michael Robbins): Exoterically ruled by Mars, conveying the courage to face the outer opponent, and Pluto, conveying the power to terminate all energy patterns that stultify and suffocate the consciousness, severing once and for all the threads of attachment to the unreal. Esoterically ruled by Mars, conveying, through the acquisition of psycho-spiritual maturity, the far more lethal enemy within. Martian will is the will to fight to the death all vice and negativity (inner and outer) until the Light of Day shines forth and the illumination of all within the personality vehicles of expression (physical, astral, and lower mental bodies) is achieved. Hierarchically ruled by Mercury, the influence conveying the transcendent Light of Buddhi (pure reason), shining into the aggregated miasma known as the “Dweller on the Threshold,” revealing it for what it is (an illusory phantom) and devitalizing it entirely through a luminous understanding of its unreality.

Ray: Ray 4, Harmony through Conflict

Mantram: Warrior am I, and from the battle I emerge triumphant.

Light: “The Light of Day. This is the place where three lights meet—the light of form, the light of soul, and the light of life. They meet; they blend; they rise.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 330)

For more information, please read the Scorpio Discussion prepared by Francis Donald: Scorpio – Evocative Images and Esoteric Teachings

Or see Tapestry of the Gods, Volume III, by Michael Robbins available online at: http://www.makara.us/04mdr/01writing/03tg/vol3intro/03_eec_toc.htm

       Read the Scorpio Chapter of the Labors of Hercules

Michael Robbins has published extensive commentaries on Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey. They are available online at:http://www.makara.us/04mdr/webinars/esotericastrology.htm

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(Esoteric Astrology, pages 174 – 193):

In Sagittarius, we are told the ordinary man begins to demonstrate a tendency to become more focussed and concentrate on attaining that which is desired. He demonstrates one-pointed selfish instincts and can be friendly and kind (through usually because of a desire for popularity). This shows the tendency of the soul to eventually turn all evil into good. The lessons of life are being learned and experiment is going on. (paraphrased from Esoteric Astrology, p. 118) As the soul gains control, Sagittarius becomes the one-pointed disciple. “The life of fluid response to matter becomes that of the focussed response to spirit and preparation for initiation in Capricorn. The arrow of the mind is projected unerringly towards the goal.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 121) “The keynote of the Archer is aspiration and direction, and both are expressions of human goals but one is of the personality and the other of the soul. From ambition to aspiration, from selfishness to an intense desire for selflessness, from individual one-pointed self-interest in Leo to the one-pointedness of the disciple in Sagittarius and thence to initiation in Capricorn.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 121)

Ruling planets (paraphrased from the Full Moon meditations by Michael Robbins): Exoterically ruled by Jupiter, conveying a vision of ever-expanding horizons and the enthusiastic motivation to move beyond and through the limitations of the present ring-pass-not. If we embrace the positivity of Jupiter, its assurance of beneficial growth and realize the growing sense of all-inclusive wholeness which it conveys. Esoterically ruled by the Earth, conveying the realization that our planetary sphere must be spiritually enlivened until it becomes outwardly the sacred planet it already is inwardly. The power of the Earth is to redeem the etheric-physical nature of both human beings and our planetary globe, revitalizing the lesser and greater etheric-physical vehicles in ways that disengage from past tendencies. Hierarchically ruled by Mars, conveying the zeal to redirect and elevate the tendency of all lunar lords through the power of aspiration. Mars stimulates the power of aspiration until it can be transmuted and elevated spiritually. Mars is the planet driving the quest for ever-new experiences of a reality lying beyond the present consciousness and impels us to tread the way of higher evolution.

Rays: Ray 4, Harmony through Conflict; Ray 5, Concrete Knowledge and Science; Ray 6, Idealism and Devotion

Mantram: I see the goal, I reach that goal, and then I see another.

Light: “A beam of directed, focussed Light. In this the point of light becomes the beam, revealing a greater light ahead and illumining the way to the centre of the light.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 330)

For more information, please read the Sagittarius Discussion prepared by Francis Donald: Sagittarius – Evocative Images and Esoteric Teachings

Or see Tapestry of the Gods, Volume III, by Michael Robbins available online at: http://www.makara.us/04mdr/01writing/03tg/vol3intro/03_eec_toc.htm

       Read the Sagittarius Chapter of the Labors of Hercules

Michael Robbins has published extensive commentaries on Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey. They are available online at:http://www.makara.us/04mdr/webinars/esotericastrology.htm

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(Esoteric Astrology, pages 153- 174):

What appears in Aries as spiritual energy enters into the soul stage in Cancer, in which sign the soul incarnates for the first time in form, reaches a point of equilibrium in Libra, in which sign soul and personality achieve a balance of cooperation and, in Capricorn, the will nature arrives at fulfilment and a visioned goal is reached. In Capricorn, the man reaches either the height of personal ambition or he becomes the initiate, attaining his spiritual objective.” (Esoteric Astrology, p93) “Capricorn—Guards the secret of the soul itself and this it reveals to the initiate at the time of the third initiation. This is sometimes called the “secret of the hidden glory.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 165) “Cancer admits the soul into the world centre which we call Humanity. Capricorn admits the soul into conscious participation in the life of that world centre which we call the Hierarchy. . . . As man passes around and around the zodiac in the ordinary manner, he continually and consciously enters into life in Cancer, the constellation under which the Law of Rebirth is applied and administered. But it is only on the reversed zodiac that the man learns to pass with equally conscious purpose through the gate of Capricorn. Five times he has to pass through that Gate in full waking consciousness and these five happenings are frequently called the five major initiations.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 168) “Capricorn.—The Crisis of Initiation. This exists in five stages and signifies the emergence of the dominating Christ life. It means the higher synthesis and the control of the Christ consciousness which is group consciousness.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 265)

Ruling planets (paraphrased from the Full Moon meditations by Michael Robbins): Exoterically and Esoterically ruled by Saturn, conveying first the discipline to honor all life’s duties and karmic requirements, and later conveying the resolve to live according to the Laws of the Soul, thus fulfilling the specific dharma in the Divine Plan. Saturn is a planet of opportunity, spiritual, rather than personal, and brings both the individual and the group into alignment with karmic law through spiritual responsibility. Esoterically, Saturn aligns the individual and the group with their roles in the Divine Plan, ensuring responsible conformity to that Plan within the individual and group spheres. Hierarchically ruled by Venus, conveying the full illumination of the World of the Soul. Venus bestows the quality of pure spiritual love and brings that love into union with spiritual knowledge, producing wisdom (the union of heart and mind).

Rays: Ray 1, Will and Power; Ray 3, Active Intelligence; Ray 7, Order and Ceremonial Magic

Mantram: Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.

Light: “The Light of Initiation. This is the light which clears the way to the mountain top, and produces transfiguration, thus revealing the rising sun.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 330)

For more information, please read the Capricorn Discussion prepared by Francis Donald: Capricorn – Evocative Images and Esoteric Teachings

Or see Tapestry of the Gods, Volume III, by Michael Robbins available online at: http://www.makara.us/04mdr/01writing/03tg/vol3intro/03_eec_toc.htm

       Read the Capricorn Chapter of the Labors of Hercules

Michael Robbins has published extensive commentaries on Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey. They are available online at:http://www.makara.us/04mdr/webinars/esotericastrology.htm

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(Esoteric Astrology, pages 134 – 153):

The undeveloped Aquarian has a superficial self-awareness that matures in Leo and becomes a self-consciousness and profound interest in the self. As the interplay goes on between Leo and Aquarius (polar opposites) there comes a deepening of all qualities and the superficialities disappear until the intensive self-consciousness of Leo expands into the group awareness of Aquarius (the individual is becoming universal). Man (alone and separative), becomes humanity itself in his reactions and awareness and yet, at the same time, preserves his individuality (he loses his personal identity in the good of the whole yet retains his spiritual Identity). From self-service, he proceeds to world service, remaining the individualised Son of God until after the third initiation. (Paraphrased from Esoteric Astrology, p. 135-136) “From the standpoint of the pledged disciple and initiate who traverses again the Path of the Sun and finds that that which he has discovered himself to be in Leo finds its crown in Aquarius. The separative individual consciousness becomes the group consciousness in Aquarius, and he begins to comprehend the significance of that basic combination of signs.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 61) “In Aquarius, the sign of world service, the lesson is finally learned which produces the world Saviour in Pisces. Hence my constant emphasis upon service.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 117)

Ruling planets (paraphrased from the Full Moon meditations by Michael Robbins): Exoterically ruled by Uranus, conveying the capacity to reinvent and renovate the energy patterns that individuals and humanity use to express themselves. Uranus has the alchemical power to transmute, transform, transfigure, and reorder the lower worlds according to a Divine Pattern. Esoterically ruled by Jupiter, conveying the power to achieve spiritual growth and fulfillment through living group cooperation. Jupiter bestows the fullness of group consciousness and group love, building the group soul, expanding the realization that Aquarius is the “Life more Abundant.” Hierarchically ruled by the Moon (veiling Vulcan on the physical plane, Neptune on the astral plane, and Uranus on the mental plane). Here the Moon veiling Vulcan renders the etheric-physical body a strong and fit instrument for soul expression; veiling Neptune, it suffuses the emotional body with the buddhic principle of transcendent love. And finally, the Moon veiling Uranus transforms the ordinary mind into the brilliant occult mind.

Ray: Ray 5, Concrete Knowledge and Science Mantram: Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men.

Light: “The Light that shines on Earth, across the sea. This is the light which ever shines within the dark and cleansing with its healing rays that which must be purified until the dark has gone.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 330)

For more information, please read the Aquarius Discussion prepared by Francis Donald:  Aquarius – Evocative Images and Esoteric Teachings

Or see Tapestry of the Gods, Volume III, by Michael Robbins available online at: http://www.makara.us/04mdr/01writing/03tg/vol3intro/03_eec_toc.htm

       Read the Aquarius Chapter of the Labors of Hercules

Michael Robbins has published extensive commentaries on Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey. They are available online at:http://www.makara.us/04mdr/webinars/esotericastrology.htm

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(Esoteric Astrology, pages 115 – 134):

Pisces, a dual sign, has 3 keynotes: (Esoteric Astrology, p. 115)

  1. Bondage or captivity.
  2. Renunciation or detachment.
  3. Sacrifice and death.

“In the first cycle of experience upon the wheel, the soul itself is in captivity to substance; it has come down into the prison house of matter and linked itself to form. Hence the symbol of Pisces, of the two fishes linked together by a band. One fish stands for the soul and the other for the personality or form nature, and between them is to be found the ‘thread or sutratma,’ the silver cord which keeps them bound to each other throughout the cycle of manifested life.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 116) “Here the beginner upon the way of life starts with a material receptivity which will enable him to respond to all contacts in the cycle of manifestation. He is, at this stage, negative, fluid and endowed with an instinctual consciousness which contains within itself the potentiality of the intuition. But the seed of the intuition is dormant. The mind which is the instrument of reception from the intuition is, at this stage, unawakened.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 118) Later on, upon the reversed wheel, the personality is brought into captivity by the soul, but for long aeons the situation is reversed and the soul is the prisoner of the personality. This dual bondage is brought to an end by what is called the final death, when the complete release of the life aspect from the life of form takes place.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 116) “. . . at the final stage, Pisces stands for the death of the personality and the release of the soul from captivity and its return into the task of the world Saviour. The great achievement is finished and the final death is undergone. ‘There is no more sea’ says the ancient book, which means inevitably the ‘death of the fishes’ and the release of the imprisoned life into new forms or new cycles of the divine Adventure.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 121)

Ruling planets (paraphrased from the Full Moon meditations by Michael Robbins): Exoterically ruled by Jupiter, conveying beneficence and selfless generosity. Jupiter confers faith, hope, and charity, as well as selfless service. Neptune, another exoteric ruler, conveys transcendent compassion and the power to identify with all aspects of soul and planetary groups, including the soul of the world (anima mundi); it removes all egoistic barriers between human beings so that the oneness of humanity (One Soul, One Spirit) can be realized. Esoterically and Hierarchically ruled by Pluto, conveying first the power to purge the personality of all hidden obstructions to soul infusion, and later conveying the power to negate and destroy the personality (inhibitor of soul expression). Pluto in its highest aspect is an agent of the Spiritual Triad and Monad, and has the power to cut away and destroy all limiting ties that bind the soul to the perception of time and space.

Rays: Ray 2, Love-Wisdom; Ray 6, Idealism and Devotion

Mantram: I leave the Father’s house, and turning back, I save.

Light: “The Light of the World. This is the light, revealing the light of life itself. It ends for ever the darkness of matter.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 330)

For more information, please read the Pisces Discussion prepared by Francis Donald: Pisces – Evocative Images and Esoteric Teachings

Or see Tapestry of the Gods, Volume III, by Michael Robbins available online at: http://www.makara.us/04mdr/01writing/03tg/vol3intro/03_eec_toc.htm

       Read the Pisces Chapter of the Labors of Hercules

Michael Robbins has published extensive commentaries on Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey. They are available online at:http://www.makara.us/04mdr/webinars/esotericastrology.htm

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