The Morya Federation is an affiliate of the University of the Seven Rays, a non-profit, tax-exempt, educational corporation in the State of Arizona: 501 C-3. Through comprehensive programs of meditation, study and service, our goal is to create the thousands of soul-illumined workers necessary to help bring forward the values of the Age of Aquarius.
Our faculty, mentors and staff, are all volunteers who do not receive any salary. Although there is no established fee for our education programs and access to webinars, we rely on the financial support of benefactors and voluntary contributions from our students. Funds are needed for language translation, creation of webinars, transcripts, and study materials, and for administrative and technical support to maintain the private on-line campus, website and social media outreach. Your financial support is vital.
Please join the generous people who support our work by making a donation.
The paypal donation will show as UNIV SEVEN RAYS on your records.
Thank you for your generosity in supporting this educational service of the University of the Seven Rays