“The seven rays of the sun will expand at the final pralaya into seven suns and absorb the material of the whole universe.” (S.D. Vol. II, 647)
Cosmic Pralaya is for things visible, not for the Arupa, formless, world. The Cosmic or Universal Pralaya comes only at the end of one hundred years of Brahma; when the Universal dissolution is said to take place. Then the Avyaya, say the exoteric scriptures, the eternal life symbolized by Vishnu, assuming the character of Rudra, the Destroyer, enters into the Seven Rays of the Sun and drinks up all the waters of the Universe. “Thus fed, the seven solar Rays dilate to seven Suns and set fire to the whole Cosmos. . . . .” SD2 69.
At present, the shorter or higher degree of the radioactive spectrum identified by astronomers is that of the gamma ray frequency. This high frequency burst is the destructive explosion of the physical sun as a result of the dilation into ‘seven suns’ “Temporarily, and just prior to destruction” of the physical sun or star… “associated with supernova explosions — powerful detonations at the ends of the lives of massive stars”. Noted is the fact of the ‘temporary prior to destruction’ period of the rapidly rotating star, amounting to a momentary period of a ‘couple of seconds’ up to a couple of days or so and the period of the scientifically recognised c1967 gamma ray explosion of electromagnetic radiation. This is followed by a longer afterglow effect at longer wavelengths of X-ray, ultraviolet, optical, infra red, microwave and radio recognised c1995. The black hole ‘jets’ are the detected gamma ray ejections. The is parallel to the exterior/interior dilation of the seven rays.
Exoteric and esoteric science is in agreement on the very short period of time at the end of the life of a physical sun, with occult science explaining the temporary and short period prior to the actual physical destruction as planal life absorption via the seven suns. The star upon collapsing and end of nuclear fusion, the matter is withdrawn into the force center/zero point or black hole due to the ultra powerful gravitational attraction of the singularity known as the point of highest denseness or compression of all matter into the black hole. The term singularity is scientifically indicative of the occult term the ‘zero point’ or ‘laya centre’. In the case of the neutron stars or posts explosion and ultra dense/gravitational high revolution tiny star it is here theorised that the the residual material of this star type is unabsorbed material in pralaya analogous to a planet in pralaya though still at a distant time may be fully absorbed into a zero point or black hole. The ‘exotic’ atomic and sub atomic particles, quark, quantum and ‘strange’ matter, including all the atomic matter of the solar system and scheme, have “individualised” according to the Tibetan DK. JPC.
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire – Section Two – Division D – Thought Elementals and Fire Elementals
(5) The Great Pralaya
This interval comes at the close of every one hundred years of Brahma, and sweeps into dissolution forms of every kind – subtle and dense – throughout the entire system. It is a period analogous to that dealt with when we considered the abstraction of man from his etheric vehicle, and his ability then to function on the astral plane, dissociated from his dual physical form. Within the system a process similar to that undergone when man withdraws the etheric body out of the dense physical vehicle, will be seen towards the close of the mahamanvantara. It will cover the period wherein the lesser four Rays merge and blend, seeking duality, and their polar opposites. Eventually the four become two, the two become one, and all are then synthesized into the third major Ray. The time is not yet, but lies countless aeons ahead. It is the first appearance of the destroyer aspect in connection with the planetary schemes, and marks the beginning of the time when the “Heavens will melt with fervent heat,” and the Sun becomes seven suns. (See S. D., II, 746, 747.)
The microcosmic correspondence can be seen in the following process. The physical permanent atom absorbs the entire life force of the physical body, and its inherent heat and light is thereby increased until at the fourth initiation the seven spirillae are fully vitalized, and vibrant. The internal heat of the atom, plus the external heat of the egoic body wherein it has its place, produces then that which destroys the permanent atom. Temporarily, and just prior to destruction, it becomes a tiny sevenfold sun owing to the radiation and activity of the spirillae. So with the physical sun of the system; it will in a similar manner become seven suns, when it has absorbed the life essence of the fully evolved planes, and of the planetary schemes thereon. The ensuing conflagration is the final work of the Destroyer aspect. It marks the moment of the highest development of deva substance in the system, the consummation of the work of Agni and his fire angels, and the initiation of Brahma. Atomic substance will then individualize (which, as we know, is the goal for the atom) and after the great pralaya the next solar system will start with the threefold Spirit manifesting through substance which is essentially distinguished by active intelligent love. This is necessarily incomprehensible to our fourth round minds. TCF 741.
From Fohat to light
STANZA III. — Continued.
“Fohat hardens the atoms”; i.e., by infusing energy into them: he scatters the atoms or primordial matter. “He scatters himself while scattering matter into atoms” (MSS. Commentaries.) SD1 85. HPB.
“Fohat hardens and scatters the seven brothers” (Book III. Dzyan); which means that the primordial Electric Entity — for the Eastern Occultists insist that Electricity is an Entity — electrifies into life, and separates primordial stuff or pre-genetic matter into atoms, themselves the source of all life and consciousness. “There exists an universal agent unique of all forms and of life, that is called Od,** Ob, and Aour, active and passive, positive and negative, like day and night: it is the first light in Creation”. SD1 76. HPB.
Using our imagination and intuition, it does not perhaps stretch the boundaries to far, for us to ponder on these passages from the Secret Doctrine. Here we are told again that each atom so hardened or densified i.e. materialised in time and space, will in turn become a world or planet, for every atom will become a man, and man a planet, as far as the consciousnesses cohering the physical vehicle is concerned.
Each atom or planet, so hardened, is Reflecting the “SELF-EXISTENT LORD”, like a Mirror. An analogy between a black hole radiating or reflecting itself in matter as light hardened or densified, is worth a thought. An actual black hole or laya centre appears black to human exoteric investigation, though is light esoterically viewed. This is told by HPB and AAB. Even current cosmology now holds that the first thing appearing at the big bang, or beginning of the universe, was Light. Light, prior to its physical plane manifestation.
We are considering lights first appearance, from the darkness, only 380,000 years after the creation or big bang. Plasma is both positive and negative, active and passive, and therefore neutral though able to electrify into life, all atoms “by infusing energy into them”.
The Secret Doctrine of HPB and DK, explains occultly the truly scientific understanding of creation. Fohat is closely connected with plasma, the fourth state of matter, scientifically understood. Occultly, at the same level, it is the fourth ether and pre gaseous, and described in TCF as ‘matter’. Exoterically, it is also pre gaseous. The correspondence is here noted. JPC. 9 December 2013.
Fohat and the Seven Rays
When Fohat is said to produce “Seven Laya Centres,” it means that for formative or creative purposes, the GREAT LAW (Theists may call it God) stops, or rather modifies its perpetual motion on seven invisible points within the area of the manifested Universe. “The great Breath digs through Space seven holes into Laya to cause them to circumgyrate during Manvantara” (Occult Catechism). We
[[Vol. 1, Page]] 148 THE SECRET DOCTRINE.
have said that Laya is what Science may call the Zero-point or line; the realm of absolute negativeness, or the one real absolute Force, the NOUMENON of the Seventh State of that which we ignorantly call and recognise as “Force” SD1.
JC wrote: Deep within the eternal darkness thrills that which digs holes in space and coheres and creates those physical forms that make of the physical body of the Universal logos…
the seven rays of the Sun at the final Pralaya, which expand into Seven Suns and absorb the material of the whole Universe. SD2 611.
In other words, we might consider such terms as the ‘great breath’ or ‘Fohat’ the seven sons, for it is fohat that thrills the primordial substance with energy or life causing atoms of substance to form and scatter into physical formation and coherence. At the heart of every galaxy and solar system and for our purposes a solar logos or on greater scale OAWNMBS etc, is a laya centre in sevenfold or alternatively known as a zero point and scientifically understood as a black hole with all the knowledge of great attractive centres that radiate and draw/attract energy and draw whole galaxies and systems into its nothingness that science can only describe as a black hole. The fohat of the seven primordial rays bring seven fold energy to all matter and at its end time a system or galaxy, its ‘material’ atomic substance as indicated in SD is drawn back into its great center. Here hypothetically considered. JPC.
The Jewel of fire blazes forth as seven jewels within the one, or as the sevenfold electric spark, and in the intensity of the blaze thus created is reabsorbed into the Monad or the One. This process is paralleled at the final consummation of solar evolution when the seven Suns blaze forth before the great Pralaya. TCF 1119.
“The seven rays of the sun will expand at the final pralaya into seven suns and absorb the material of the whole universe.” (S.D. Vol. II, 647) EA. Appendix.
(5) The Great Pralaya
This interval comes at the close of every one hundred years of Brahma, and sweeps into dissolution forms of every kind – subtle and dense – throughout the entire system. It is a period analogous to that dealt with when we considered the abstraction of man from his etheric vehicle, and his ability then to function on the astral plane, dissociated from his dual physical form. Within the system a process similar to that undergone when man withdraws the etheric body out of the dense physical vehicle, will be seen towards the close of the mahamanvantara. It will cover the period wherein the lesser four Rays merge and blend, seeking duality, and their polar opposites. Eventually the four become two, the two become one, and all are then synthesized into the third major Ray. The time is not yet, but lies countless aeons ahead. It is the first appearance of the destroyer aspect in connection with the planetary schemes, and marks the beginning of the time when the “Heavens will melt with fervent heat,” and the Sun becomes seven suns. (See S. D., II, 746, 747.) TCF 741.
The physical permanent atom absorbs the entire life force of the physical body, and its inherent heat and light is thereby increased until at the fourth initiation the seven spirillae are fully vitalized, and vibrant. The internal heat of the atom, plus the external heat of the egoic body wherein it has its place, produces then that which destroys the permanent atom. Temporarily, and just prior to destruction, it becomes a tiny sevenfold sun owing to the radiation and activity of the spirillae. So with the physical sun of the system; it will in a similar manner become seven suns, when it has absorbed the life essence of the fully evolved planes, and of the planetary schemes thereon. The ensuing conflagration is the final work of the Destroyer aspect. It marks the moment of the highest development of deva substance in the system, the consummation of the work of Agni and his fire angels, and the initiation of Brahma. Atomic substance will then individualize (which, as we know, is the goal for the atom) and after the great pralaya the next solar system will start with the threefold Spirit manifesting through substance which is essentially distinguished by active intelligent love. This is necessarily incomprehensible to our fourth round minds. TCF 741.
Scientists are beginning to recognize this more or less, and to realize that it is the Law of Relativity, or the relation between all atoms, which produces that which is called Light, and which, in its aggregated phenomena, forms that composite sphere, a solar system. The motion of the constellations external to the solar sphere is responsible for its form in conjunction with its own rotary motion in space. As the wave lengths of the light from the constellations, and their relation to the sun are better understood, and as the effect of those wave lengths or light vibrations (which are either attractive to, or repulsive to, the sun) are understood, much will be revealed. Little has as yet been grasped as to the effect those constellations in the heavens (which are antagonistic to the solar system), have upon it, and whose wave lengths it will not transmit, whose rays of light do not pierce (if it might be expressed in so unscientific a manner) through the solar periphery.
We are told in the Secret Doctrine that “the seven solar Rays dilate to seven suns and set fire to the whole cosmos.” (S. D., II,72) This it is which produces that final burning which ushers in the great pralaya, and brings to an end the logoic incarnation. It is produced under this Law of Expansion, and causes that eventual merging and blending of the seven sacred planetary schemes which marks the achievement of the goal, and their eventual perfection.
In occult literature this term “Law of Expansion” is limited to the discussion of the seven Rays, and to the subject of the planetary initiations. When dealing with the expansions of consciousness of the human being, and his initiations, we group them under the second “Law of Monadic Return.” TCF 1042.
The seven suns are destroyed because when synthesis and unity are reached and when the differentiated forces become one homogeneous force, the attractive or magnetic effect of this coherence is a manifested unit on the physical plane as well as on the subjective side of nature. This produces necessarily the destruction of all limiting forms, the merging of the fires, and the blazing forth into objectivity of the vital body of the Logos prior to the final abstraction and the subsequent dying out or obscuration of the solar system.
The will or purpose aspect which is the spiritual life behind all subjective and objective phenomena suddenly makes itself felt and also seen. TCF 1249.
Stanza III
“Fohat hardens the atoms“; i.e., by infusing energy into them: he scatters the atoms or primordial matter. “He scatters himself while scattering matter into atoms” (MSS. Commentaries.)
“Fohat hardens and scatters the seven brothers” (Book III. Dzyan); which means that the primordial Electric Entity — for the Eastern Occultists insist that Electricity is an Entity — electrifies into life, and separates primordial stuff or pregenetic matter into atoms, themselves the source of all life and consciousness. “There exists an universal agent unique of all forms and of life, that is called Od,** Ob, and Aour, active and passive, positive and negative, like day and night: it is the first light in Creation” SD1 76.
It is through Fohat that the ideas of the Universal Mind are impressed upon matter.” SD1 30. HPB.
Stanza XI.
“The matter of Fohat circulateth, and its firehardeneth all the forms. The wheel that is not glimpsed moveth in rapid revolution within the slower outer case, till it weareth out the form… The many circulate. The forms are built, become too firm, are broken by the life, and circulate again. TCF 31.
“Fohathardens and scatters the seven brothers” SD1 76.
Degree of ionization For plasma to exist, ionization is necessary. The term “plasma density” by itself usually refers to the “electron density”, that is, the number of free electrons per unit volume. The degree of ionization of a plasma is the proportion of atoms that have lost or gained electrons, and is controlled mostly by the temperature. Even a partially ionized gas in which as little as 1% of the particles are ionized can have the characteristics of a plasma (i.e., response to magnetic fields and high electrical conductivity). The degree of ionization, α, is defined as α = ni/(ni + na) where ni is the number density of ions and na is the number density of neutral atoms. The electron density is related to this by the average charge state <Z> of the ions through ne = <Z> ni where ne is the number density of electrons.
JPC: We must note how fohat/plasma hardens atoms infusing ‘pregenetic matter into atoms’. We are speaking of the material plasma or fohat of the fourth state of matter occultly understood. The higher states of fohat and plasma are that which carries the life and brahma aspect from the higher planes. Fohat/plasma is both electrically active and passive, positive and negative yet the bearer of all energising life.
We should also note that when considering the life infusion that energises atoms with life and pre genetic matter this for our purposes only comes from the higher states of fohat/plasma and not from the lower such as planetary electricity or such. What then is pre genetic matter. We are considering that state of fohat/matter which is prior to that which makes up the genetic make-up of the material and conscious lives we call the atoms of matter that constructs our physical bodies.
These tiny devic elemental lives construct our physical/animal bodies of which we are in process of redemption. Science calls such genetic material DNA/RNA genes and the DNA double-helix strand/spiral and the caduceus double spiral are perfectly matched. These genes carry our genetic code and are as such the elemental builders encoded or carrying their own material purpose for physical construction. They are genetic and generative and in their entire group formation hold the complete active genome or code sequence of an organism or human being. The thrill of life that sweeps them into activity is pregenetic as the Secret Doctrine explains.
This thrill of life is said to ‘harden’ such atoms which become densified i.e. materialised in time and space and we might ponder what this can mean. Only as the higher fohat infuses atoms with its higher matter are genetic molecules gifted with their code and purpose in life in order to construct. When this is so the more rarefied pre genetic state hardens or solidifies through the pre genetic state of matter into the genetic and generative state allowing for the solidification or hardening of atoms into forms via electrical fohat, the seven brothers, the Dhyani-Chohanic Intelligences.
The code and purpose of the builders in their elemental form condition the molecules, the atoms and the cells of the material sheath. Such genetic code [relationship between a nucleotide sequence and the amino acid sequence] carries the information that constructs via proteins the type of form and the hereditary traits that will further modify and condition the biological organism under the law of karma and the soul as a minor lord of karma.
The word genetics is from the Ancient Greek γενετικός genetikos meaning “genitive”/”generative”, in turn from γένεσις genesis meaning “origin”) wikipedia.
The genetic material of a cell can be a gene, a part of a gene, a group of genes, a DNA molecule, a fragment of DNA, a group of DNA molecules, or the entire genome of an organism.
“Mongols say hada for “a rock,” hat’ago, for the adjective “hard,” hat’aho for the neuter verb “to harden,” and hadaho, “to make fast” (by hammering), hat’agaho, “to dry,” “to harden,” in causative or transitive sense.” China’s place in Philology.
Joseph Edkins – 1871 p181/2. google books.
JC: key searches: Turanian Compounds, hat and Fo referring to Japanese Budzu equating near to Chinese Fo with Buddha. See, hat’agaho “to dry” to harden in transitive state as with fire to harden and dry. 29/12/2012.
“Q. Can you say what is the real meaning of the word Fohat?
A. The word is a Turanian compound and its meanings are various. In China Pho, or
Fo, is the word for “animal soul,” the vital Nephesh or the breath of life. BCW X 354.
STANZA III. — Continued.
“Fohat hardens the atoms”; i.e., by infusing energy into them: he scatters the atoms or primordial matter. “He scatters himself while scattering matter into atoms” (MSS. Commentaries.) SD1 85.
“Fohat hardens and scatters the seven brothers” (Book III. Dzyan); which means that the primordial Electric Entity — for the Eastern Occultists insist that Electricity is an Entity — electrifies into life, and separates primordial stuff or pregenetic matter into atoms, themselves the source of all life and consciousness. “There exists an universal agent unique of all forms and of life, that is called Od,** Ob, and Aour, active and passive, positive and negative, like day and night: it is the first light in Creation” SD1 76.
Using our imagination and intuition it does not perhaps stretch the boundaries to far for us to ponder on these passages from the SD. Here we are told again that each atom so hardened or densified i.e. materialised in time and space will in turn become a world or planet for every atom will become a man and man a planet as far as the consciousnesses cohering the physical vehicle is concerned. Each atom or planet so hardened is Reflecting the “SELF-EXISTENT LORD” like a Mirror.
An analogy between a black hole radiating or reflecting itself in matter as light hardened is worth a thought. The actual black hole or laya center appears black to human exoteric investigation though is light esoterically seen. This is told by HPB and AAB. Even current cosmology now holds that the first thing appearing at the big bang or beginning of the universe was Light.
The analogy may be further materialised in that as the man ages and the centres slow down the form or unprincipled sheath will harden, densify and eventually so much so that the natural event of the spirit escaping the form will eventuate and the life within will be freed. JPC.
The Psychological Key to the Secret Doctrine
A brief elaboration on the three fires as explained by Master DK via HPB and AAB. Pt2.
That which is given in the Secret Doctrine, and supplemented here by further details, will suffice for the investigations of students for another generation. Each generation should produce those able to ascertain subjective fact for themselves; they will utilize that which is exoteric and known as stepping stones on the path to perfect knowledge. They will know, and they will give out, and only the next cycle of fifty years after their work is accomplished will see the recognition by the many of the truth revealed by the few. In the case of H. P. B. this is apparent. On the tide of the present endeavour, the Secret Doctrine will be vindicated and her work justified. TCF 707.
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire endeavored to give the psychological key to The Secret Doctrine and to interpret the underlying consciousness which the Beings (considered in The Secret Doctrine) express, so in A Treatise on the Seven Rays, I am carrying on the same idea and, at the same time, seeking to give the needed key to modern exoteric psychology and also some indications as to the astrological key to The Secret Doctrine to which H.P.B. refers. The Entities dealt with in her masterpiece of esoteric truth are here revealed as cosmic, solar and planetary influences evoking – in response to Their outpoured energy or vibratory activity – an awakening of consciousness in the form so that it becomes aligned to or closely related to Their Own. All revelations appear to emerge into the consciousness of the race in their lowest or most material form because the “ascent of knowledge towards wisdom” is always the key to progress, and, therefore, exoteric psychology and exoteric mundane astrology had to precede the revelation of their significance; the nature of the form had to be made apparent and man accustomed to it before the meaning behind the form could be revealed. EA 291.
In many ways today H.P.B.’s book The Secret Doctrine is out of date and its approach to the Ageless Wisdom has little or no appeal to the modern generation. But those of us who really studied it and arrived at some understanding of its inner significance have a basic appreciation of the truth that no other book seems to supply. H.P.B. said that the next interpretation of the Ageless Wisdom would be a psychological approach, and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, which I published in 1925, is the psychological key to The Secret Doctrine. None of my books would have been possible had I not at one time made a very close study of The Secret Doctrine.UA 215.
Another revolutionary thing that the Tibetan did was when He dictated the contents of A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. In this book He gave what H.P.B. prophesied He would give, the psychological key to cosmic creation. H.P.B. stated that in the 20th century a disciple would come who would give information concerning the three fires with which The Secret Doctrine deals: electric fire, solar fire and fire by friction. This prophecy was fulfiled when A Treatise on Cosmic Fire was given out to the public.This book concerns the fire of pure spirit or life; the fire of the mind that vitalizes every atom of the solar system and creates the medium through which the Sons of God develop. It also concerns the fire of matter producing that attraction and repulsion which is the basic law of evolution, and holding forms together so as to provide vehicles for the evolving life and later, when they have served their purpose, repulsing those forms so that the evolving lives can move on their way to higher evolution. The true significance of this book will only be appreciated towards the close of this century. It is of a profundity and a depth of technical knowledge which lies beyond the understanding of the ordinary reader. It is also a bridging book because it takes certain basic, oriental ideas and phrases and introduces them to the occidental student, whilst at the same time it makes practical the sometimes vague, metaphysical concepts of the East.UA 237.
Letters on Occult Meditation followed next. These indicated a somewhat new approach to meditation, based not on devotion to the Masters but on a recognition of the soul in each person. This was succeeded by A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. This book was an expansion of the teaching given in The Secret Doctrine on the three fires – electric fire, solar fire and Are by friction – and it was an awaited sequence. It also presented the psychological key to The Secret Doctrine and is intended to offer study to disciples and initiates at the close of this century and the beginning of the next century, up until 2025 A.D.UA 246. DINA1 778.
In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire the Tibetan has given us what H. P. Blavatsky prophesied he would give, namely, the psychological key to the Cosmic Creation. H.P.B. stated that in the 20th century a disciple would come who would give the psychological key to her own monumental work The Secret Doctrine on which treatise the Tibetan worked with her; and Alice A. Bailey worked in complete recognitionof her own task in this sequence. Tunbridge Wells, December 1950. Foster Bailey. TCF viii.
I would remind you that there is an astrological key to The Secret Doctrine which cannot yet be given in completeness. I can give you some hints and suggest some lines of approach, and these, if carried in the consciousness of the illumined astrologers, may enable one of them at a later date to discover that key and then – turning it on behalf of humanity – reveal the fourth great fundamental of the Ageless Wisdom of which three are already given in the Proem of The Secret Doctrine. EA 7.
Speaking of the keys to the Zodiacal mysteries as being almost lost to the world, it was remarked by the writer in “Isis Unveiled” some ten years ago that: “The said key must be turned seven times before the whole system is divulged. We will give it but one turn, and thereby allow the profane one glimpse into the mystery. Happy he, who understands the whole!”
The same may be said of the whole Esoteric system. One turn of the key, and no more, was given in “Isis.” Much more is explained in these volumes. In those days the writer hardly knew the language in which the work was written, and the disclosure of many things, freely spoken about now, was forbidden. In Century the Twentieth some disciple more informed, and far better fitted, may be sent by the Masters of Wisdom to give final and irrefutable proofs that there exists a Science called Gupta-Vidya; and that, like the once-mysterious sources of the Nile, the source of all religions and philosophies now known to the world has been for many ages forgotten and lost to men, but is at last found. Such a work as this has to be introduced with no simple Preface, but with a volume rather; one that would give facts, not mere disquisitions, since the SECRET DOCTRINE is not a treatise, or a series of vague theories, but contains all that can be given out to the world in this century. SD1 xxxviii
This scheme, it must be added, was not in contemplation when the preparation of the work was first announced. As originally announced, it was intended that the “Secret Doctrine” should be an amended and enlarged version of “Isis Unveiled.” It was, however, soon found that the explanations which could be added to those already put before the world in the last-named and other works dealing with esoteric science, were such as to require a different method of treatment: and consequently the present volumes do not contain, in all, twenty pages extracted from “Isis Unveiled.” SD vii.
It is needless to explain that this book is not the Secret Doctrine in its entirety, but a select number of fragments of its fundamental tenets, special attention being paid to some facts which have been seized upon by various writers, and distorted out of all resemblance to the truth. SD1 viii.
Another revolutionary thing that the Tibetan did was when He dictated the contents of A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. In this book He gave what H.P.B. prophesied He would give, the psychological key to cosmic creation. H.P.B. stated that in the 20th century a disciple would come who would give information concerning the three fires with which The Secret Doctrine deals: electric fire, solar fire and fire by friction. This prophecy was fulfiled when A Treatise on Cosmic Fire was given out to the public. This book concerns the fire of pure spirit or life; the fire of the mind that vitalizes every atom of the solar system and creates the medium through which the Sons of God develop. It also concerns the fire of matter producing that attraction and repulsion which is the basic law of evolution, and holding forms together so as to provide vehicles for the evolving life and later, when they have served their purpose, repulsing those forms so that the evolving lives can move on their way to higher evolution. The true significance of this book will only be appreciated towards the close of this century. It is of a profundity and a depth of technical knowledge which lies beyond the understanding of the ordinary reader. It is also a bridging book because it takes certain basic, oriental ideas and phrases and introduces them to the occidental student, whilst at the same time it makes practical the sometimes vague, metaphysical concepts of the East. UA 237. AAB.
This was succeeded by A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. This book was an expansion of the teaching given in The Secret Doctrine on the three fires – electric fire, solar fire and Are by friction – and it was an awaited sequence. It also presented the psychological key to The Secret Doctrine and is intended to offer study to disciples and initiates at the close of this century and the beginning of the next century, up until 2025 A.D. UA 246. DK.
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire – Fire
“What says the esoteric teaching with regard to Fire?”
* Fire is the most perfect and unadulterated reflection, in Heaven as on earth, of the One Flame. It is life and death, the origin and the end of every material thing. It is divine Substance.”
(Secret Doctrine I. 146)
* Our earth and man (are) the products of the Three Fires.
(Secret Doctrine, II. 258)
* Fire and flame destroy the body of an Arhat; their essence makes him immortal.
(Secret Doctrine I. 35)
The Three Fires
I. The Internal Fire or Fire by Friction
There is heat internal and heat external in every atom, the breath of the Father (Spirit) and the breath (or heat) of the Mother (matter).
(Secret Doctrine I. 112)
II. The Fire of Mind or Solar Fire
The fire of knowledge burns up all action on the plane of illusion, therefore those who have acquired it and are emancipated are called Fires.
(Secret Doctrine I. 114)
III. The Fire of Spirit or Electric Fire
Lift up thy head, O Lanoo; dost thou see one, or countless lights above thee, burning in the dark midnight sky?
I sense one Flame, O Gurudeva; I see countless undetached sparks shining in it.
(Secret Doctrine I. 145) [xviii] Treatise on Cosmic Fire.
“Man needs four flames and three fires to become one on Earth, and he requires the essence of the forty-nine fires**** to be perfect. It is those who have deserted the Superior Spheres, the Gods of Will,***** who complete the Manu of illusion. For the ‘Double Dragon’ has no hold upon the mere form. It is like the breeze where there is no tree or branch to receive and harbour it. It cannot affect the form where there is no agent of transmission (Manas, “Mind”) and the form knows it not.”
“In the highest worlds, the three are one,****** on Earth (at first) the one becomes two. They are like the two (side) lines of a triangle that has lost its bottom line — which is the third fire.” (Catechism Book III., sec. 9.)
**** Explained elsewhere. The “Three Fires,” Pavaka, Pavamana, and Suchi, who had forty-five sons, who, with their three fathers and their Father Agni, constitute the 49 fires. Pavamana (fire produced by friction) is the parent of the fire of the Asuras; Suchi (Solar fire) is the parent of the fire of the gods; and Pavaka (electric fire) is the father of the fire of the Pitris (See Vayu Purana). But this is an explanation on the material and the terrestrial plane. The flames are evanescent and only periodical; the fires — eternal in their triple unity. They correspond to the four lower, and the three higher human principles.
***** The Suras, who become later the A-Suras.
****** Atma, Buddhi and Manas. In Devachan the higher element of the Manas is needed to make it a state of perception and consciousness for the disembodied Monad. SD2 57.
“Our earth and man,” says the Commentary, “being the products of the three Fires” — whose three names answer, in Sanskrit, to “the electric fire, the Solar fire, and the fire produced by friction,” — these three fires, explained on the Cosmic and human planes, are Spirit, Soul, and Body, the three great Root groups, with their four additional divisions. These vary with the Schools, and become — according to their applications — the upadhis and the vehicles, or the noumena of these. In the exoteric accounts, they are personified by the “three sons of surpassing brilliancy and splendour” of Agni Abhimanin, the eldest son of Brahma, the Cosmic LOGOS, by Swaha, one of Daksha’s* daughters. In the metaphysical sense the “Fire of friction” means the Union between Buddhi, the sixth, and Manas, the fifth, principles, which thus are united or cemented together; the fifth merging partially into and becoming part of the monad; in the physical, it relates to the creative spark, or germ, which fructifies and generates the human being. The three Fires, it is said (whose names are Pavaka, Pavamana and Suchi) were condemned by a curse of Vasishta, the great sage, “to be born over and over again.” (Bhagavata-Purana iv. 24, 4.) This is clear enough. SD2 247.
The symbol of the commingling of the “philosophical three fires and the three waters, whence results the procreation of the elements of all things. The same idea is found in the Indian equilateral double triangle. For, though it is called in that country the sign of Vishnu, yet in truth it is the symbol of the Triad (or the Trimurti). For, even in the exoteric rendering, the lower triangle [[diagram]] with the apex downward, is the symbol of Vishnu, the god of the moist principle and water (“Nara-yana,” or the moving Principle in Nara, water;**) while the triangle, with its apex upward, [[diagram]] is Siva, the Principle of Fire, symbolized by the triple flame in his hand. (See the bronze statue of Tripurantika Siva, “Mahadeva destroying Tripurasura,” at the museum of the India House). It is these two interlaced triangles — wrongly called “Solomon’s seal,” which also form the emblem of our Society. SD2 591/2.
The internal fire of matter is called in the Secret Doctrine “Fire by Friction.” It is an effect and not a cause, It is produced by the two fires of spirit and of mind (electric and solar fire) contacting each other through the medium of matter. This energy demonstrates in matter itself as the internal fires of the sun, and of the planets and finds a reflection in the internal fires of man. Man is the Flame Divine and the fire of Mind brought into contact through the medium of substance or form. When evolution ends, the fire of matter is not cognizable. It persists only when the other two fires are associated, and it does not persist apart from substance itself.
Let us now briefly recognize certain facts regarding fire in matter and let us take them in order, leaving time to elucidate their significance. First we might say that the internal fire being both latent and active, shows itself as the synthesis of the acknowledged fires of the system, and demonstrates, for instance, as solar radiation and inner planetary combustion. This subject has been somewhat covered by science, and is hidden in the mystery of physical plane electricity, which is an expression of the active internal fires of the system and of the planet just as inner combustion is an expression of the latent internal fires. These latter fires are to be found in the interior of each globe, and are the basis of all objective physical life.
Secondly, we might note that the internal fires are the basis of life in the lower three kingdoms of nature, and in the fourth or human kingdom in connection with the two lower vehicles. The Fire of Mind, when blended with the internal fires, is the basis of life in the fourth kingdom, and united they control (partially now and later entirely) the lower threefold man or the personality; this control lasts up to the time of the first Initiation.
The fire of Spirit finally, when blended with the two other fires (which blending commences in man at the first initiation), forms a basis of spiritual life or existence. As evolution proceeds in the fifth or spiritual kingdom, these three fires blaze forth simultaneously, producing perfected consciousness. This blaze results in the final purification of matter and its consequent adequacy; at the close of manifestation it brings about eventually the destruction of the form and its dissolution, and the termination of existence as understood on the lower planes. In terms of Buddhistic theology it produces annihilation; this involves, not loss of identity, but the cessation of objectivity and the escape of Spirit, plus mind, to its cosmic center. It has its analogy in the initiation at which the adept stands free from the limitations of matter in the three worlds. TCF 51/2.