The Great Quest is a one-year program that focuses on the individual’s spiritual development. As a student of The Great Quest you will be introduced to the Constitution of Man and the astrology and psychology of the human energy system. Students also learn Raja Yoga meditation, called the “kingly Science of the Soul” and focus on the right use of the mind and its utilization by the soul.
The Great Quest will allow you to know more clearly who you are; it will expand your awareness of the forces that affect your life and will teach you spiritual techniques that heal, uplift and transform. The greater joy and purposeful living that you will attract into your life will enhance your personal well-being, your relationships and your contribution to others.
Who is it for?
The Great Quest is designed for those who are new to the study of the Ageless Wisdom. However, it is also appropriate for experienced students of the Ageless Wisdom whose time for meditation and study is somewhat limited by other responsibilities.
The Great Quest program is intended to feed into the more intensive and longer Quest Universal Stream, which requires at least five years for completion. It is therefore possible to study with us for seven years or longer, depending upon the student’s focus and discretionary time available.
What will you learn?
The course content focuses especially on two books by Alice A. Bailey: Esoteric Astrology and The Light of the Soul (the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali). Great Quest is a modified and shorter version of our Quest Universal Course 150, The Language of Energy, so students will be getting some of the same information in both courses. QU150 builds on what is learned in GQ and takes you deeper into Esoteric Psychology.
In this course you will study the energies of the Seven Rays as well as the planetary influences, and learn how these energies affect human psychology. You will also learn much about the human constitution – the various bodies of expression through which the spiritual man works as he seeks experience on Earth. You will also study the consciousness of man – the consciousness of the soul or Higher Self, and the more limited and familiar consciousness of the personality or lower self.
Following a brief study of the macrocosm, you will turn your focus upon yourself. You will study your ray structure and astrological chart, in an attempt to identify your soul purpose, and what your soul or Higher Self requires of you in terms of your psycho-spiritual development and purification. You will combine this knowledge with transformational meditation work in order to bring about positive changes within your psyche.
At this stage upon the Path of Spirituality, the most important development required of us in order to evolve spiritually is the development, control and training of the mind. The mind is said to be the “slayer of the real” when it is controlled by the lower nature; but it is also the “revealer of the real”— the instrument of illumination and liberation when controlled by the Higher Self. To assist those people who are ready for the soul’s illumination, the great Hindu sage Patanjali designed the Raja Yoga system of occult meditation which you will follow in this course.
Great Quest is being developed in other languages:
We have two foreign language teams who have completed translations of Great Quest and several other languages under development. In December 2017 the Vietnamese-speaking Great Quest began accepting students; in December 2018 the Portuguese-speaking Great Quest began accepting students; in December 2020 the French-speaking Great Quest began accepting students. We hope to eventually also offer Great Quest in Spanish, and Italian-speaking programs.
Great Quest Description (English)
Great Quest Requirements (English)
Great Quest (other languages)
We also offer Great Quest in Portuguese and French, but students take Meditation Quest first.
Our other streams of education
Meditation Quest for beginners
Meditation Quest Overview (English)
Meditation Quest Description (English)
Meditation Quest Requirements (English)
Meditation Quest (other languages)
La quete spirituelle par la meditation
Búsqueda por Medio de la Meditación
Quest Universal, the most advanced program
Quest Universal Overview (English)
Quest Universal Description (English)
Quest Universal Requirements (English)
We offer some Quest Universal programs in Vietnamese, but students enter this program by first taking Meditation Quest and Great Quest.